Smile, picture day is TOMORROW, Monday, March 27! All students will have individual and class pictures taken. An order form came home last Monday in your child’s purple folder.

Friday, April 14, 2023 (Rain-date Monday, April 17, 2023) from 8:00 – 1:50 (k-2 8:00-10:40, Lunch 10:40-11:10, 3-5 11:10-1:50 and Grade level crab soccer rotations throughout the day in the gym). Field day is for approved parent volunteers, staff and students this year. We need around 50 volunteers. In order to follow all safety processes and effectively monitor who is on our campus, we will only be having approved volunteers for the event during the school day. No visitors or lunch guests on this day. Students are able to bring their lunch or purchase from the cafeteria. You can sign up to volunteer by completing the process below and then once you are approved you can sign up at (https://www.signupgenius.com/go/20F0F4FAAAB2FA75-field). Volunteers will work the same station all day. There will be a virtual field day meeting on Monday, April 10th at 3:30. You can click my gym link to logon (Mrs. Lucas’s Gym Link).

Looking for a fun way to review math, science or reading content? Students have enjoyed using SOL Pass in class and they can access it at home too! Our school password is GAESCUBS.

Music Mondays: We are so excited to continue with our Music Mondays in March! We will be showcasing Cub Talent in the foyer as students arrive from 7:10 – 7:40. If you or your child plays an instrument and want to share your talents with our Cubs as they arrive please sign up below. Music Monday Sign Up Form We will email you a Sign Up genius to select specific dates once we gather Cubs’ interests.
PTA News:
Yearbook Pictures: If you have pictures you’d like to share for the yearbook please download the free Herff Jones App, ESHARE. Or go to HJESHARE.COM Enter our school’s code: GAESCUBS We would love any pictures from field trips, spirit days, students wearing their house shirts or anything you’d like to share with us!
Catch-A-Star Program and Award: Falling under the auspices of Arts-in-Education, Catch-a-Star encourages students to visit cultural festivals, museums, live performances, and galleries. Each time they do, they can visit our Catch-a-Star Form and leave a response with their impressions of the visit. We tally up the comments and all participants are recognized at the end of the school year—with special prizes for the top “star-catchers”! For more information, please contact Whitney Harpold at harpolme@gmail.com.
3/27 Spring Pictures – Class and Individual
3/28 Student Holiday – Special Election (this is a change to the calendar)
3/29 Science Quiz – Layers of the Earth & Plate Tectonics
3/30 Social Studies Test – Midwest Region (this is a date change)
3/31 Math Circles Quiz; House Party & Book Buddies; Half Day – dismissal begins at 11:00; End of Quarter 3
4/3 – 4/7 – Spring Break!
4/10 Welcome Back!
4/14 Field Day!
4/27 Reading SOL

Math: We will continue with geometry this week with a focus on Circles. Students are learning how to identify the parts of a circle (diameter, radius, chord) as well as measuring the circumference of a circle using the diameter and radius. A quiz on circles is scheduled for Friday, March 31.

Reading/English: The students did a wonderful job on their writing assessment last week!
This week we will be learning to identify various examples of figurative language and recognizing how they enhance an author’s writing.
Due to the shortened week, we will not have our weekly vocabulary lists.We will continue with our small group novels, as well as our whole group read aloud of Restart.

Social Studies: We will wrap up our study of the Midwest Region this week with a test on Thursday, March 30 (this is a change). Students received a Midwest Region Study Guide to complete in preparation for the test.. Completion of study guide is part of the social studies homework grade and it is due on the day of the test.

Science: In science this week we will continue to learn about the layers of the earth and plate tectonics. A quiz on these concepts is scheduled for Wednesday, March 29. We will also be looking at the effects of weathering and erosion and how fossils are formed. We’ll have fun making our own models of fossils!