Thank you for all of your support of our Multiplication Ice Cream Challenge last Monday! This was such a fun way to reward the students’ hard work on mastering their multiplication facts.

We are excited to have our Veterans back in the building on November 11th at 8:30 for our Veterans Day Program. Our 1st grader choral performance will be such a highlight to celebrate them! Please note all visitors will be required to sign in at our visitors center in the front office. You must bring a photo ID. Due to limited seating, students with special guests will be joining us in the auditorium with our 1st grade. All other students will remain in their classroom where the program will be streamed to them. We encourage everyone to wear red/white/blue that day!

Glen Allen will be collecting canned goods and Thanksgiving basket items November 9 – 18 for our school wide community service projects. GAES Community Service Q2.jpg

Glen Allen ES Book Fair:
Our Book Fair will take place next week in our school library. Please see time changes for each day!!!
Nov. 8th ~ 7:00 – 9:00 AM, 4:00 – 6:00 PM
Nov. 9th ~ 2:30 -3:30
Nov. 10th ~ 2:30-6:30Nov. 11th ~ 2:30-3:30

Parent/Teacher Conferences:
End of Quarter 1 is this week. We have scheduled conferences for Thursday, November 10th (In person) from 2:45 – 5:45 by appointment only. Sign Up Link: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/508044BACA62CA13-mrs)

WATCH D.O.G.S. (Dads of great students): If you would like to become a Watch D.O.G, please sign up here.
11/7 HCPS Schools/Offices closed
11/8 Student Holiday, Election day
11/9 – 11/10 Math Decimal Computation Quiz (½ each day)
11/8 – 11/11 GAES Book Fair
11/10 Parent-Teacher Conferences by appointment 2:45 – 5:45
11/10 Social Studies Geography Landforms Quiz
11/11 1st grade Choral Production/Veterans Day Celebration at 8:30
11/9 – 11/18 Henrico Christmas Mother Can food & Hunton Baptist Thanksgiving Baskets Food Drive

Our focus this week will be on recognizing and creating equivalent fractions. We will also look at decimal equivalents.

Reading/Language Arts:
We will be working on drawing conclusions about various texts we are reading using what we learn as we are reading, as well as what we already know about the topic. Using our inference skills will be key to drawing conclusions.
We will begin a new novel study on the exciting page-turner, Among the HIdden, this week! This is the first book in a 7 book series so be prepared for your child to request the next in the series!

Social Studies: In social studies we will continue learning about the overall themes of geography. Students will be introduced to various terms to better understand geography. An open note quiz on landform vocabulary terms will be on Thursday, 11/10.