We had a wonderful first week of October!
We are excited to announce that we will be going on a Field Trip to The Richmond Walks and History Program on Oct 28, 2022. This is a 2 hour tour on the riverfront and Canal Walk. We will cover rock formations at the falls, weathering/erosion, rock types and structure of the Earth, and visit a garden to talk about plants and animals. We will do a quick test on water quality and discuss data. Permission slips will be sent home on Monday, October 10. We are accepting payments online ONLY through Online School Payment beginning 10/10 -10/21. If you are interested in being a chaperone you may indicate that on the permission slip, however please do NOT pay for yourself to be a chaperone until you have been given the go ahead from your child’s teacher. ALL chaperones must have completed the volunteer requirements and be on the approved volunteer list to be considered.
Please continue to ensure that your child is completing daily homework assignments. There will always be vocabulary and spelling homework. These must be studied and practiced at home. Math homework will reflect what we are working on in class and is excellent independent practice of the skills prior to being tested. All students have time before dismissal to get started on homework and to ask questions.
School News:

Regency Mile School Competition: All Cubs and families wanted! This year’s event will take place at Regency Square Mall located at 1420 N Parham Rd, Henrico, VA 23229 on Sunday, October 30, 2022. To participate in this competition, students enter their school’s name when registering for the race (link available at www.livered.org/regency-mile). Register from Sep 1- Oct 27 is $25.00. Packet pickup is Sat, Oct 29, 2-6 pm @ Dick’s Sporting Goods (11800 W Broad St) and Sun, Oct 30, 6-8 am @ The Race Site (1420 N Parham Rd). If you register by October 16 you are guaranteed a race t-shirt.
10/12 Walk at School Day (after recess)
10/13 Math Quiz Rounding
10/14 Greek & Latin List #5 quizzes
10/20 Papa John’s Curbside Night
10/21 Smile, it’s Fall Picture Day!
10/24 Schools Closed/Diwali
10/28 5th Grade Field Trip
10/31 Multiplication Ice Cream Sundae Party!

This week we will review decimal place value and rounding. Fractions and decimals are used to describe parts of a whole or set, the result of division, as a ratio, and as a measure. Students will determine how rounding numbers with decimal places is similar to/different from rounding whole numbers, when is it useful to round decimal numbers, and how do you determine the place to round a number. The assessment on decimals will only cover rounding at this time.
The multiplication challenge continues this week. Please ask your child what level they are on and if needed study facts at home. Students must get 100% correct, in one minute, before moving on. Each time they get 100% they are earning various items to have an ice cream sundae party on October 31st. If you do not wish for your child to have ice cream please send in an alternative for that day and let me know.

Reading/Language Arts:
We will begin our unit on nonfiction text and recognizing important text features that are found within nonfiction text. We will then move into recognizing the main idea and supporting details in nonfiction text. Our Greek & Latin Vocabulary List 5 will focus on the roots ped and pod (feet) and the prefixes counter and contra (opposite/against).

This week we will investigate Matter! We will be focusing on making observations to identify materials based on their properties (solid, liquid, gas), with particular focus on how temperature affects the states. We have some fun experiments planned for our matter unit so be sure to ask your child about what they are learning through these experiments!

Social Studies
The students did a wonderful job on the in class project on Henrico’s Historical sites! Next week they will have the opportunity to get creative and complete a postcard from the perspective of a Henricus settler for a writing assignment.