Wow, it’s hard to believe but Monday, Oct. 3rd marks the interim mark for the first nine weeks! Please check PowerSchool for your child’s current grades. Please click here to look at grades. There is also an app for your phone that will give you real time. Just search Powerschool. If you need more detailed directions click HERE.

We enjoyed our first garden lesson with Fit 4 Kids this past Thursday! The students planted some new seedlings in the garden and even enjoyed some vegetarian “pizza!”
Please make sure your child is completing the homework assigned each night. There will always be vocabulary and spelling homework. These must be studied and practiced at home. Math homework will reflect what we are working on in class and extra practice at home assists with mastery of the skills. All students have time before dismissal to get started and ask questions.
School News:
Regency Mile School Competition: All Cubs and families wanted! This year’s event will take place at Regency Square Mall located at 1420 N Parham Rd, Henrico, VA 23229 on Sunday, October 30, 2022. To participate in this competition, students enter their school’s name when registering for the race (link available at www.livered.org/regency-mile). Register from Sep 1- Oct 27 is $25.00. Packet pickup is Sat, Oct 29, 2-6 pm @ Dick’s Sporting Goods (11800 W Broad St) and Sun, Oct 30, 6-8 am @ The Race Site (1420 N Parham Rd). If you register by October 16 you are guaranteed a race t-shirt.
After School Enrichment Registration is Open! Click here to register.
- Classes will be filled on a first come, first served basis.
- We have scholarships available. If you would like to inquire about a scholarship, please contact Mrs. Pruden at mrhpruden@henrico.k12.va.us.
- Parent help is critical for ASE. Parents must sign up to help with check in/check out for 1-2 sessions.
- All classes start date is 10/13 (there was a typo for two classes on the printed flyer)
- If a class fills up, we will start a wait list in the event that more spots open up.
If you have questions, email gaes.afterschoolenrichment@gmail.com.
WATCH D.O.G.S. (Dads of great students): If you would like to become a Watch D.O.G, please sign up here.
NEW HOUSE SHIRTS AVAILABLE NOW: Our fall house shirt sale runs from Monday, Sept. 16 through Sunday Oct. 2 and is only available online. Check out the fresh, new designs for each house and wear them proudly on t-shirts and sweatshirts! These are perfect for house spirit days!
Visit the website below, and enter the code GAES2022 in the box next to Glen Allen Elementary School to access the sale.

10/5 Schools Closed/Yom Kippur
10/6 Math Order of Operations Test
10/7 Greek & Latin List #4 quizzes
10/7 Social Studies Henrico History Project Due (in class project)
10/8 Glen Allen Day!
10/12 Book Talk & Walk at School Day (During PE)
10/20 Papa John’s Curbside Night
10/21 Smile, it’s Fall Picture Day!
10/24 Schools Closed/Diwali
10/28 5th Grade Field Trip (more information coming soon)
10/31 Multiplication Ice Cream Sundae Party!

Math: This week we will wrap up Order of Operations on Thursday with an Assessment. Friday we will begin Place Value of Whole Numbers to the millions, and Place Value of Decimals to the thousandth place. Students will have to identify the place and value of a number, read a number in word form, and use models to determine a number. We have also started a multiplication Ice Cream Sundae Challenge. Students must get 100% of the facts correct, in one minute, before moving on. Each time they get 100% they are earning various items to have an ice cream sundae party on October 31st. If you do not wish for your child to have ice cream please let me know and feel free to send in an alternative for that day.

Reading/Language Arts:
We will be working on recognizing themes in our read aloud of Because of Mr. Terupt, as well as independent reading selections. Our weekly vocabulary quizzes will be on Friday. This weeks’ words, Greek & Latin #4, include the roots aud and audi (hear) and the prefix anti (opposite/against).
Social Studies
Students did wonderful with the geography of Henrico and surrounding counties! This week we will focus on the history of Henricus. Students will complete an in class project for a test grade.