We had another fabulous week in the “Lyons’ Den!” The students are doing a great job with the routines, rules and expectations. Thank you for all of your support.
We have a fun activity planned this Friday, September 16th, for understanding the phases of the moon that involves Oreo cookies! Please complete this form before Wednesday, September 14 allowing your child to participate: https://forms.gle/5JQXNwU4tKm5cLpo6

Student Chromebooks will now be kept at school. Please have your child return their charger if they have not already done so.
Important Information:
- When reviewing for quizzes and/or tests please have your child utilize their notebooks and any study guides.
- Please make sure that you are receiving and reading the Cub Family News sent by Mrs. Pruden each Sunday. It contains important updates and information for families. If you are not receiving this information please call the school office at (804)756-3040 to let them know.
- We will continue to perform individual reading assessments over the next few weeks. These assessments will help gauge what reading skills your child needs assistance or enrichment with this year. Students will also take the reading and math growth assessments this week. These assessments will also assist in forming small groups to work with children in a capacity outside of whole class instruction and tailor mini-lessons to their needs.
9/12 Reading Growth Assessment
9/14 Math Growth Assessment
9/14 Science Quiz on Planets
9/16 Vocabulary & Spelling Quizzes on Greek & Latin List #1
9/20 Math Quiz on Word Problems
9/21 Science Quiz on Planets, Earth, Moon & Sun
9/22 Back to School Night for Adults at 6:00
9/23 GAES Spirit Night at Ashland Skateland

Math: We will be focusing on computational skills and understanding key words within word problems. Please have your child review their multiplication facts as they are the building blocks for most of our math lessons!

Reading: We will be looking at conflict and how character conflict affects plot this coming week in Reading. Towards the end of the week we will also begin to discuss character traits. Our read aloud, Because of Mr. Terupt is the perfect book to explore and understand these concepts. The students are really enjoying this book and are eager to discover what will happen next in his classroom!

Our first quizzes on Greek & Latin #1 will take place this Friday, 9/16. After this week the routine will be that each Monday students will get a new vocabulary list and on Friday they will have two quizzes. One quiz will focus on application and understanding of the words; i.e. selecting the correct definition of each word and using each word correctly in a sentence. The second quiz will require students to know the correct spelling of each of the words. This will be a weekly routine for the rest of the school year. Students are given time in class to complete independent activities of their choice aimed at helping them learn their words. They also have daily homework pages to do that we go over in class. However, your child needs to spend time reviewing these words every night so they are prepared for the Friday quizzes.

Science: This week in science we will wrap up our review unit on the solar system. We will have a quiz on rotation, revolution, and the 8 planets on Wednesday, 9/14. Students will create an in school project on WeVideo to solidify their knowledge of the solar system and planets! We will then move into learning about the Earth, Moon, and Sun. Students will have the opportunity to create their own phases of the moon with Oreo cookies. A test on the Solar System and the Earth, Moon and Sun is scheduled for Wednesday, September 21.