Wishing all of the Lyons’ Den’s moms a very happy Mother’s Day! I hope you have a wonderful day celebrating you.
I want to extend a very heartfelt thank you for all of the wonderful flowers, treats, cards, and lunches provided during Teacher Appreciation Week! I certainly felt all the love. I feel so fortunate to work with such a fabulous group of students and super supportive families!
It’s hard to believe, but there are only 24 days of school to go! This year has flown by! However, in the short time that remains we have so many fun and important events. May is the month where students will have the opportunity to demonstrate all that they have learned this year in fifth grade! The students worked so hard on their reading SOL last Wednesday, and I know that they will continue to work hard and put forth their best effort on the Science SOL this Thursday, May 12.
Reminders for SOL testing:
- Get a good night’s rest the night before testing.
- Eat a nutritious breakfast the day of testing.
- Arrive to school on time – school begins at 7:40 and testing will begin promptly at 8:00.
- Bring your fully charged Chromebook.
Please continue to emphasize the importance of focus on instruction, positive classroom behavior, completion of daily homework assignments, and preparation for quizzes, tests, and projects.
Career Day:
We are excited to have Career Day return to GAES this year! Mrs. Sitter is looking for additional volunteers to serve as presenters. If you are interested in presenting on this day please click on this link: Career Day Volunteer Form
We continue to recognize and reward students daily for following the “Glen Allen 3 – Respect, Responsibility, and Safety.” For the next 5 Wednesday’s we will celebrate House Unity! This Wednesday all students are asked to wear purple to honor House Tharros, the house of valiance.
GAES Spring Dance
The GAES Spring Fling School Dance will be a Wild Wild West theme this year! DJ Dave Rave will be playing all the hits and there will be snacks and drinks provided! Tickets are $12.50 each. Tickets are limited and sold on a first come, first served basis.
Limit of 1 chaperone per student, however, 1 chaperone may accompany multiple students. Keepsake photos are also available for purchase.
5/9 GAES PTA Meeting
5/10 GAES Science Fair
5/11 School Nurse’s Day
5/12 Science SOL
5/13 Greek & Latin Vocabulary Quizzes
5/20 Math SOL
5/24 Papa John’s Drive Thru Event 4:30 – 6:30
5/26 Return all Chromebooks & chargers to school
6/2 GAES Spring Dance
6/15 GAES 5th Grade party/dance (during school)
6/15 GAES 5th Grade Drive Thru Celebration & Bruster’s Night (evening)
6/16 Student ½ day – Last day of school!
Math: This week in math we will continue with our unit on elapsed time, as well as spiral review of previously learned concepts.
Reading: In reading we will pick back up on our novel study of the classic, Island of the Blue Dolphins. While reading, we will be working on a variety of comprehension skills, as well as noting the excellent use of figurative language utilized throughout the book that helps provide the reader with a vivid “picture in their head” while reading.
Our weekly vocabulary, Greek & Latin #19 will focus on the root dict (say, tell) and the prefixes tele (far) and neo (new).

Virginia has a rich variety of natural resources. Natural resource – things that exist in or are formed by nature. Examples: Forests, farmland, minerals, wildlife, waterways, and wonders.
Science: In science we will review the 4th grade unit on Virginia’s Natural Resources. Students will continue to work on the review placemat project in class, as well as a review booklet in class and for homework. Each of these include all of the science topics covered in 4th and 5th grade and serve as a great way to prepare for the science SOL on Thursday.
Social Studies: We will pick back up on our geography units at the end of the week with the West Region of the United States.