February 27, 2022

We had so much fun last week dressing up and celebrating “Two’s Day!” and the 100th Day of School. Our 5th grade Glow Party on Wednesday was a blast! This week we are in store for more fun as we celebrate Read Across America!  Please refer to the picture or click on the link: Read Across America Week to take note of all the fun ways we will celebrate the importance of reading at GAES. In addition, we will also begin the Go Nuts for Reading program. Bookmarks were sent home with students last week. Please note that each HAT can be colored for 30 minutes of reading OUTSIDE of school on a TRADITIONAL book, not an online platform.


Yearbook: It’s that time of the year to get in your yearbook orders! The cost for the yearbook is $24. You can purchase through our PTA memberhub here: Yearbook Purchase. If you have not already done so, please be sure to complete the Yearbook Permission Form to ensure that your child/ren can be represented in the annual yearbook. A “no” response means your child/ren cannot have their picture included anywhere in the yearbook. Fifth grade families – now is the time to place your Yearbook Ad Order. Follow the link for instructions and email katiehannett@gmail.com with your pictures.

Smile, picture day is coming! Spring Individual & Class Picture Day is March 10th!  Click on these links to order individual or class pictures:  Individual Picture.pdf     Class Picture.pdf 


We continue to recognize and reward students daily for following the “Glen Allen 3 – Respect, Responsibility, and Safety.” To date, House Tharros (purple) continues to be in the lead by 9 points with the other four houses close behind. Be sure to show your House pride by wearing  your House colors every Wednesday.





2/28 – 3/4 Read Across America Spirit Week

3/1 Science Electricity & Magnetism Unit Test

¾ Greek & Latin Vocabulary Quizzes 

3/8  PTA Spirit Night at Five Guys

3/8 Social Studies Northeast Region Test

3/10  Spring individual & Class Pictures

3/11 School’s Closed – Student/Staff Holiday

3/14 PTA general Meeting at 7:00

Math: In math we will begin our study of angles. Students will learn  about 4 types of angles: acute, right, obtuse, and straight. Students will also have the opportunity to work with protractors to measure and determine different types of angles. 

Reading: In reading we will continue to focus on cause and effect relationships in fiction and nonfiction text. We will take time to practice for the Henrico Writing Assessment by writing a narrative essay on being brave. 

Our Greek & Latin Vocab. #5  for this week includes the roots ped/pod (feet) and the prefixes counter/contra  (against). 



Science: We will wrap up our energy unit on electricity this week with a test on Tuesday, 3/1. Please use the study guides and notes in the science notebook, as well as the interactive notebook and notes found in the Student Resources folder on Schoology to prepare for this test.  


Social Studies:  In social studies this week students will work on a review assignment demonstrating all they have learned about the Northeast Region. This will be an excellent way to prepare for the test on the Northeast Region scheduled for next Tuesday, 3/8/22. Students will also continue to work on the License Plate project for their selected Northeast state.  A study guide will be provided to complete in preparation for this test (Northeast Study Guide). Completion of the study guide is imperative and counts toward the social studies homework grade.

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