February 20, 2022

We have a lot going on in the “Lyons’ Den” this week! Don’t forget that Monday, February 21st, is a half day for students. Dismissal will begin at 11:00.  Tuesday is “Two’s Day,” as well as the Kid’s Heart Challenge,  and Wednesday is the 100th day of school! Read below for additional details. 

Tuesday, 2/22/22  is “Two’s Day!” Join in the fun as we celebrate this day by wearing Tutus, Ties, and/or Mismatched Tennis Shoes.

We will follow up this fun celebration with our 100th Day of School celebration on Wednesday, February 23rd! Let’s have fun celebrating this milestone by dressing up as if you were 100 years old and bringing in “100” of something. If you have a new, disposable plastic water bottle to send in for a fun activity to help us celebrate 100 days of 5th grade please send it in with your child by Wednesday.

Yearbook: It’s that time of the year to get in your yearbook orders! The cost for the yearbook is $24. You can purchase through our PTA memberhub here: Yearbook Purchase. If you have not already done so, please be sure to complete the Yearbook Permission Form to ensure that your child/ren can be represented in the annual yearbook. A “no” response means your child/ren cannot have their picture included anywhere in the yearbook. Fifth grade families – now is the time to place your Yearbook Ad Order. Follow the link for instructions and email katiehannett@gmail.com with your pictures.

Smile, it’s picture day!!! Spring Individual & Class Picture Day is March 10th!  Click on these links to order individual or class pictures:  Individual Picture.pdf     Class Picture.pdf 


Read Across America Week starts next week! Please refer to the picture or click on the link: file:///C:/Users/calyons/Downloads/Read_across_America_2022.pdf  to take note of all the fun ways we will celebrating the importance of reading at GAES. In addition, we will also begin the Go Nuts for Reading program.  Bookmarks will be coming soon. Please note that each HAT can be colored for 30 minutes of reading OUTSIDE of school on a TRADITIONAL book, not an online platform.


We continue to recognize and reward students daily for following the “Glen Allen 3 – Respect, Responsibility, and Safety.” To date, House Thoros (purple) continues to be in the lead by 5 points with the other four houses close behind. Be sure to show your House pride by wearing  your House colors every Wednesday.





2/21 President’s Day/Student Half Day (Dismissal begins at 11:00)

2/22 Kids Heart Challenge (Virtual – 3:15)

2/22 “Two’s Day” Celebration!

2/23 100th Day of School!

2/25 Greek & Latin #4 Vocabulary Quizzes

2/25 Math Variables Quiz

2/28 – 3/4 Read Across America Spirit Week

3/8  PTA Spirit Night at Five Guys

3/10  Spring individual & Class Pictures

3/14 PTA general Meeting at 7:00

Math: This week we will continue to practice recognizing variables and variable expressions. We will have a test on these concepts on Friday, 2/25. We will also begin to build upon our knowledge of patterns including geometric, number, growing, and shrinking patterns during whole group instruction.

Reading: Our focus in reading will be on recognizing cause and effect and recognizing how a chain of effects can result in multiple or a chain of effects. This week students will  wrap up their research for their Black History project and begin composing their essay using the information they have gathered on their selected individual.

Our Greek & Latin Vocab. #4  for this week involves the root aud/audi (hear) and the prefix anti  (against). 

Science: We are loving our energy unit on electricity! Last week students had the opportunity to work in small groups to create their very own series circuit by experimenting with conductors and insulators and then lighting up a light bulb. This week we will have additional opportunities for hands-on activities as we look at electromagnetism. 

Social Studies: This week in social studies we will finish learning about the natural resources and economic activities of the Northeast. At the end of the week students will begin a fun project on a selected Northeast state.

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