June 11, 2021

Wow, here comes the final week of 5th grade! In such an unprecedented year in education, we send our heartfelt thanks to our parents, our students, and all who have been so supportive of our learning. We certainly could not have done it without you! While we are sad to see our 5th graders leave GAES, we are confident that they are ready to take on their next educational journey –  middle school!


As we wrap up the year next week we have some fun activities planned in the “Lyons’ Den” for their final year at Glen Allen!




Monday, June 14 Jersey/Game Day
Tuesday, June 15 PJ Day
Wednesday, June 16 Dress Up for Award Ceremony/5th Grade Car Parade at GAES 
Thursday, June 17 Art/Memory Day





6/14 Reading Research Presentations Begin

6/16 5th Grade Virtual Awards Ceremony –  8:15; 5th Grade Car Parade Celebration – 6:00 – 7:00 at GAES (see 5th grade celebration announcement.pngfor details)

6/17 Last day of school (full day of school 8:00 – 1:00)


In person student devices will be collected on THURSDAY, June 17 from the classroom teacher.  Please bring the POWER CORD and COMPUTER to school that day to be collected.

Virtual students will drop off their computers and power cords to any MIDDLE SCHOOL the week after school lets out (June 21 – 24)).  

If you are enrolled in the Summer Academy – you will keep your computer until that concludes.  You will receive more information from HCPS or the summer academy if this applies to you.

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