I wish you all have a safe, relaxing Memorial Day Weekend! Stay dry!
Thank you for all of your support during SOL testing, as well as, with the asynchronous review over the past few weeks. We are so proud of all of our 5th graders! During the next three weeks we will continue to review topics in all subject areas in order to prepare the students for their move into middle school next year. Assessments and projects will continue to take place during this time. Please continue to emphasize with your child the importance of being engaged and attentive each day.
5/31 Memorial Day (student/staff holiday)
6/3 West Study Guide due; Math end of year assessment
6/4 West Region Unit Test; G&L 14 Spelling & Vocab Tests
6/7 Science Periodic Table License Plate Due
6/8 Primary Election Day – Virtual Learning for all students 8:00 – 1:00
6/10 Reading Research Project Due
6/16 5th Grade Virtual Awards Ceremony 8:15; 5th Grade Celebration Car Parade 6:00 – 7:00 at GAES
6/17 Last day of school – Middle School Here We Come! 🙂
Math: In math we will continue to review previously learned concepts focusing on specific areas of difficulty. It will be important for students to complete the homework practice each day and to review the notes in the math student resource folder. We will have an end of year math assessment on Thursday, June 3.
Reading: I’m looking forward to sharing some of the wonderful poetry students created in their poetry notebooks. This week students will be introduced to the specific components that make up a research project. Students will have the opportunity to brainstorm and begin working on their own research project that we will work on for the next two weeks. It will be important that students complete the tasks as we cover them and to work on the project completion during our daily reading stations in order to stay on track. Students should be prepared to present their projects in the last week of school.
English: In English we will continue to work on our final vocabulary unit for the year. List number 14 focuses on the root “astr” (star) and the prefixes “di” and “bi” (two) and “tri” (three). The quizzes for list number 14 will be on Friday, June 4.
Science: To review the atoms, elements, and compounds we have a fun science activity planned where students will make a license plate using the periodic table.
Social Studies: We are finishing up our final region of study this week. Students received a study guide on the West Region on Thursday, May 27. Completion of this study guide will help them prepare for the test and will count toward the social studies homework grade. The West Region study guide is due on Thursday, June and the test is scheduled for Friday, June 4.