We had a wonderful week! The students worked very hard on planning, composing, editing, and then submitting the final draft of their writing assessments. I was really proud of their hard work!
March has been a month of celebrating with Music in our School’s, Youth Art Month, Women’s History Month, and Read Across America Month! Next week we will be celebrating Youth Art Month with some fun spirit days (YAM Spirit Week).
With spring on the horizon it’s easy to get caught up in spring fever. Please emphasize with your child the importance of staying focused, as well as completing daily classwork and homework assignments, to ensure that they continue to demonstrate success.
Important Reminders:
Please continue to remind your child to shut down and charge the Chromebook each evening. Periodically emptying the “cache” helps the Chromebooks to run more efficiently. Also, for the virtual students it’s imperative that they are logged onto the Team’s meeting on time each morning as our instructional day begins promptly at 8:00.
3/26 Greek & Latin #8 Quizzes
3/30 Math Angles and Triangles Test
3/31 Social Studies Midwest Region Test
4/1 Science Light and Sound Test
4/2 End of Q3/half-day; Miss America, Camille Schrier visits 5th Grade
4/5 – 4/9 Spring Break
Math: We will continue to work on measurement of triangles and angles in math. Students will learn how to use a protractor to measure and classify different types of angles and triangles. We will have a checkup on recognizing and classifying angles as acute, obtuse, right or straight on Monday, March 22. A test on angles and triangles is scheduled for March 30. Be sure to review the notes in student resources and go on the portaportal site to prepare.
Reading: Interpreting and recognizing different types of figurative language will be our focus in reading this week. Students will review previously learned types of figurative language, as well as be exposed to some fun new examples. They will recognize how the use of figurative language allows authors to create vivid descriptions that make stories “come alive” for the reader.
Our Greek and Latin vocabulary list #8 includes the root “hydr” (water) and the suffixes “ance and ence” (state, quality) and “ness” (state, condition).
Writing: Students will have the opportunity to compose some free writing incorporating their new knowledge of figurative language.

Visible light spectrum. Color waves length perceived by human eye. Rainbow electromagnetic waves. Educational school physics diagram. Scheme nanometer, rays electromagnetic spectrum illustration
Science: Just how does light work? That’s what we’ll be discovering in science this week. Students will be exposed to light waves, prisms, reflection and refraction of light and light waves. A test on sound and light is scheduled for April 1. Be sure to have your child review the notes in student resources as well as the activities on the portaportal site to prepare for the test.
Social Studies: Our study of the Midwest Region continues. This week we will learn about the cultural influences and the human environment interactions of the region. A Midwest Region study guide will be provided to students on Wednesday, March 24 to complete in preparation for the test on March 31. The study guide will be due on March 30, so that any questions the students may have can be answered.