October 23, 2020

We had another great week in the Lyons’ Den! Just a friendly reminder that Parent-Teacher Conferences will be held on Monday, November 2 from 2:30 – 6:30. An email was sent out last week with the Sign Up Genius link. If you are unable to meet on the times that are still available on the sign up feel free to email me and we can set up an alternate meeting time. I will send out the virtual meeting link as the conference date approaches.

I’m excited to announce that we now have accounts with Spelling City! This is a wonderful website with flashcards, games, sorts, and practice tests to assist your student with our weekly word study list.  You can find the link on the blog and in Schoology in the Student Resources folder. The students had fun trying out the site this week. I encourage you to have your child spend some time each night on Spelling City as it’s a fun way to help them feel prepared for our Friday quizzes. We will utilize Spelling City for science and social vocabulary as well. 

PE Success Week Oct. 26 – 30

Mrs. Lucas is asking for everyone to participate in PE Success Week and attempt these activities together as a family:

This year Success week is October 26th-30th. This program is aimed at motivating students, families, and communities to participate in a physically active lifestyle. This event is to help individuals become aware of heart-health related fitness components, to promote self-esteem by acknowledging each student’s achievement, and to establish a plan for participation in physical activities at home, school and the community. Remember being active is a lifestyle. Families are encouraged to upload a photo or a video in the google slide which can be found in the link provided: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1shIrpa0k3KJow52kM0iJrTbNsK15__Qq6ML8LmoaKrM/edit#slide=id.p

This year while in Physical Education class, students will participate in fall fitness fun activities which will incorporate the 5 components of fitness. The schedule for success week is below and will consist of the following events:

Mouthful Monday-26th: Write down everything you eat on a piece of paper and bring it with you to PE class. Ask yourself, “Am I eating a variety of colors at each meal?” If you aren’t, then you may want to change your eating habits. It’s important to eat healthy to develop strong bones, muscles and teeth. Wear a different color on each part of your body to remind yourself to eat a colorful meal.

Team Jersey Tuesday-27th: Wear your favorite team jersey. Participate in a family plank challenge and see who can hold the plank the longest, then take a relaxing walk in the evening with your family.

Workout Wednesday-28th: Wear your fitness clothing and sneakers. Do 25 jumping jacks, 8 push-ups, 10 burpees, 20 mountain climbers and jog or walk a mile with your family.

Thirsty Thursday-29th: Drink lots of water.  It does the body good!  Did you know that about 70% of your body is made of water? Check the label on your liquids. Does it have any sugar? If it does, reduce the amount of sugar you are drinking. Wear light blue to remind yourself to drink lots of water. Go on a bike ride with a friend or family member.

Flexible Friday-30th: School Spirit Day. Wear school spirit colors and be part of a winning team.  Practice a few stretching exercises with your family. Being flexible prevents injuries when participating in sports. Relax and enjoy the weekend.

ALL Students need a piece of white paper and something to write or draw with in PE.




10/27 Science Weather Assessment

10/29 Character Collage Book Reports Due

10/30 Vocabulary & Spelling Quizzes on Word List #7

11/2  Parent Teacher Conferences by appointment

11/6 PE assignments due for Mrs. Lucas

Math: We will be moving on to multiplying decimals! Students have notes in the Math folder within Student Resources. I have posted both notes using models and notes using numerical examples to help your child understand this concept.


Dreambox – Families, please click on this link Dreambox Home Learning Guide for directions on how to use the Family Dashboard to see your child’s progress in this uniquely tailored math program. The weekly goal is 5 lessons.  Each lesson should take 8-15 minutes MAX.  If students are taking longer to complete a lesson, they may be “perusing” lessons rather than persisting through the content. It’s okay if they don’t know the answers! Dreambox will tailor lessons for them as it gains information on their current skill level.

Writing: Next week we will begin using the bing, bang, bongo writing method. This process breaks down the writing process into more manageable sections.

Reading: This week we will talk about identifying the main idea and summarizing important details. We have really been focusing on using evidence in the text to support our thinking and answers to questions. We will continue this by using key details to defend our choice of main idea and to create a solid summary.

Our word list this coming week is all about emotion words. This list is already loaded into Spelling City! Your child can begin reviewing words this weekend! (We are on list #7).

Your child should be finishing their book report project. These are due October 29: 2020 Character Collage Book Report. Your child needs to submit their 10 sentence summary to me and a picture of their collage. They can locate this on Schoology in the Student Resource Folder and under Book Reports. They should be prepared to present their collage to the class. This oral presentation piece is a third of the rubric! Please support your child in practicing what to say. 

Science: Our weather test is Tuesday, October 27th. We will review in class on Monday. We will begin our oceans unit on Wednesday! This is one of our team’s favorite units to teach. There will be a study guide and notes in the Science folder within Student Resources.


Social Studies: We will continue to cover terminology, parts of a map, and map types this past week, we will be digging into reading maps. Our focus this week will be on longitude and latitude and using this “global grid” to find locations on a map.

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