October 9, 2020

What a fun week! We wrapped up our Earth unit by talking about erosion of the Hatteras Lighthouse and students completed their choice of a video, slideshow, or brochure about rocks. We really enjoyed sharing those! We also shared our Henricus postcards that students created and talked about how Henrico’s districts got their names. The students’ creativity is amazing!

Our school counselor, Mrs. Sitter, came to talk about the IB program and the process for applying. If you have any questions, please check out the resources on her Schoology page: https://henrico.schoology.com/course/2947158811/materials?f=273739538 or you may email Mrs. Sitter directly.

We  believe homework is essential for long term success with our 5th grade students. Teachers will be reviewing homework and entering homework grades per subject as applicable. All students start with a perfect score of 100 in the homework assignment category. Each missing assignment results in a deduction of 10 points for that subject. Homework should not take more than 60 minutes.  If your child is having trouble completing items, please email me. Parents, thank you for all the support you are providing with the virtual lessons and homework. It makes a big difference and we appreciate you!

Please continue to refer to Schoology as project due dates and classwork assignments are posted/adjusted in that platform. If your child had technology issues or was out for part of the instructional day, you can always click through the posted daily folder and see what we covered in class. Materials used or classwork completed will be in that day’s folder and your child can get caught up.




10/13 Science Test (Earth Unit & 4.9 Resources)

10/15 Virtual Back to School Night! Sessions at 6:00 & 6:45 (same info shared at both)

10/16 Vocabulary & Spelling Quizzes on Word List #5

10/29 Character Collage Book Reports Due

11/6 PE assignments due for Mrs. Lucas

Math: I was so proud of the students for listening carefully, completing homework, and practicing for our review quiz this past Wednesday. There were a lot of topics covered in 15 questions! This coming week, we will be reviewing place value and then move on to rounding decimals. Students have notes and a place value chart in the Student Resources–Math folder for reviewing.

Reading: We will continue to discuss plot this coming week while moving through our read aloud of Because of Mr. Terupt. We will also talk about conflict and how this drives the plot and impacts the characters.

Our word list this week is all about different professions. Students can create their own flashcards or use this Quizlet link to help them study: Quizlet for Week 5 

Your child should have selected a book and started reading it for the upcoming book report! Remember, students must read a new-to-them, grade-level book and complete their Character Collage by October 29: 2020 Character Collage Book Report

Science: Our unit test is on Tuesday. Students should review their Earth study guide, their pages of notes in the Rock Digital Notebook, and other resources in the Science folder within Student Resources. This unit test covers layers, plate tectonics, weathering/erosion/deposition, rock types, rock cycle, fossils, and also reviews last year’s unit on natural resources and human impact on the Earth. We have been reviewing all of these topics this past week. I am confident your child will do well with a little studying! We will also be doing some fun review games Monday in class.

We will move on to reviewing the 4th grade weather unit after our big Earth unit test. Students need to refresh themselves on the types of clouds, weather tools, and the difference between fronts. There is a slideshow of notes in the Student Resources folder under Science.

Social Studies: We will finish discussing the structure of Henrico’s government and students will have a chance to redesign the county seal in a way that they believe best represents the county in 2020. This will wrap up our Henrico unit! We will move on to map skills and geography terms the week of October 19th.


Have a wonderful weekend!

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