October 2, 2020

We packed a lot into a short week! It’s hard to believe that October is already here. 

Homework: We believe homework is essential for long term success with our 5th grade students. The independent practice is so important to develop their understanding of the concepts. Starting next week, students will be more accountable for completing homework assignments. Teachers will be reviewing homework and entering homework grades per subject as applicable. All students start with a perfect score of 100 in the homework assignment category. Each missing assignment results in a deduction of 10 points for that subject’s overall homework grade. Parents, thank you for all the support you are providing with the virtual lessons and homework. It makes a big difference and we appreciate you!

Some Information From Our Resource Teachers:

Mrs. Lucas/PE: I added a black folder in Schoology that says 5th Grade Assignments.  The fitness challenge assignments along with detailed directions are all there. All challenges are due by 11/6/20. We are currently reviewing them in PE class each week. I added a link to this page at the top of the students’ Schoology Homeroom.

Mrs. Harris/Library: If you have any library books that you have not returned please be sure to turn those into the blue bins located at school during school hours.

Mrs. Siler/Art: Students will work on the project they started last week so having a straight edge or ruler available will help them with this.

Mr. Elston/Music: Students are learning about various styles of music. Be sure to share and listen to some of your favorite types of music with your child as they will be discussing this in the coming weeks.

Technology: We are excited to share this video https://video.link/w/x0ejb which will demonstrate how your child can access the Teams meeting via the Teams App on his/her Chromebook!





10/7 Math Quiz: Comprehensive Review (odd/even, prime/composite, order of operations)

10/9 Vocabulary & Spelling Quizzes on Word List #4

10/13 Science Test (Earth Unit)

10/15 Virtual Back to School Night! 2 Sessions – 6:00; 6:45

10/29 Character Collage Book Reports Due

11/6 PE assignments due (see note from Mrs. Lucas)

Math: There will be a comprehensive review quiz  Wednesday on odd and even numbers, prime and composite numbers, and the order of operations. We will review for this quiz in class Monday and Tuesday. Thursday and Friday I will work with small groups to remediate, extend, and preview some upcoming topics.

Additionally, the county has provided Dreambox for students to work on math skills independently.  I assign some lessons, and the program assigns others based on student progress.  Our goal is to complete 4 lessons per week.  We’ll have some class time to do this, but it will also be part of students’ math homework each day as well.

Reading: We will discuss plot and theme this coming week while continuing to read aloud Because of Mr. Terupt. We will also take a placement test in the app Achieve 3000, which will be another resource available through Clever to help your child boost their literacy skills!


Our word list this week is all about fame-and-fortune words. If your child needs a different way to study, try out this Quizlet! Quizlet is basically a digital flashcards website so students can review at their own pace. https://quizlet.com/_8s1moj?x=1qqt&i=2j0agt 

Book Report: If your child needs help getting a “good fit” book for their book report, please contact me ASAP! I am happy to help facilitate your child getting a digital or hard copy book for this assignment. Remember, students must read a new-to-them book and complete their Character Collage by October 29: 2020 Character Collage Book Report

Science: Continuing with rocks, we will discuss the rock cycle in more detail. We will investigate fossils and discuss how they tell us about Earth’s changes. Additionally, we will remind the students of the fourth grade unit on Natural Resources. A study guide for this topic can be found in the Student Resources – Science folder. This connects nicely with the Earth unit, and the county has prepared a comprehensive assessment that includes both topics. The unit assessment for these combined topics will be on Tuesday, October 13th. Please have your child tell you facts from their notebooks, reread the digital notebook, review the study guides, and use the portaportal to supplement their knowledge. Science is amazing, and this unit is so relevant as we can see things all around us that connect to our lessons!

Social Studies: In our Henrico unit we are wrapping up the history with a fun in-class postcard project. We will then move into the economy of Henrico, both past and present. 

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