Monthly Archives: October 2020

October 23, 2020

We had another great week in the Lyons’ Den! Just a friendly reminder that Parent-Teacher Conferences will be held on Monday, November 2 from 2:30 – 6:30. An email was sent out last week with the Sign Up Genius link. … Continue reading

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October 16, 2020

It was wonderful to see you at Back to School Night Thursday evening! I hope you are more confident about navigating Schoology and better understand our homework expectations.  If you were unable to attend, I included the slideshow I went … Continue reading

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October 9, 2020

What a fun week! We wrapped up our Earth unit by talking about erosion of the Hatteras Lighthouse and students completed their choice of a video, slideshow, or brochure about rocks. We really enjoyed sharing those! We also shared our … Continue reading

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October 2, 2020

We packed a lot into a short week! It’s hard to believe that October is already here.  Homework: We believe homework is essential for long term success with our 5th grade students. The independent practice is so important to develop their … Continue reading

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