September 18, 2020

We had another fabulous week in the “Lyons’ Den!” I know there are still some technology glitches here and there but overall we have had smooth sailing! When there have been some issues I would like to thank you and your child for being such great problem solvers. Please let me know if you have any problems you cannot resolve or you can refer to the troubleshooting guides that I sent out last week to assist you should an issue arise.  Rest assured your child has access in our daily folders in Schoology to everything that is presented or shared and can go back to review information or re-watch videos at any time.

Thank you for signing your child up to participate in the individual reading assessments over the next few weeks. These assessments will help me gauge what reading skills your child needs assistance or enrichment with this year.  They will also assist me in forming small groups to work with children in a capacity outside of whole class instruction and tailor mini-lessons to their needs. 




9/22 Math quiz (prime/composite; odd/even; computation review)

9/24 Science Quiz on weathering, erosion, deposition

9/25  Vocabulary & Spelling Quizzes on vocab packet week 2 (1)

9/28  Student and staff holiday

Math: We will finish up prime and composite this week, with a quiz on that and reviewing odd and even numbers on Tuesday. The quiz will include some word problems with basic computation, so please continue to review those multiplication facts as they are the building blocks for most of our math lessons!  

We will then move on to order of operations. Please have your child refer to their Math Study Guide, either the paper copy from their Learning Kit or the digital version in the Student Resources folder. Don’t forget you can always get a preview of our math topics using the PortaPortal! Here is an Order of Operations song from our PortaPortal: Order of Operations Rap

Writing: Encourage your child to practice their cursive writing using the guide in their learning toolkit. Perhaps they can write you a note about their day and what they learned.

Reading: We will focus on conflict and how character conflict affects plot this coming week in Reading. Towards the end of the week we will discuss character traits. I will also continue reading aloud Because of Mr. Terupt. The students are so excited to learn what happens next in his classroom!


Monday students will get a new word study list and Friday they will have two quizzes, one on using the word correctly and one on selecting the correctly spelled version of the vocabulary word. This will be a weekly routine for the rest of the school year. Students are given time in class to complete independent activities of their choice aimed at helping them learn their words. They also have nightly homework pages to do that we go over in class. However, your child needs to spend time reviewing these words every night so they are prepared for the Friday quizzes. Here is a preview for next week’s vocabulary words: vocab packet week 2 (1)

Science: We will continue our Earth Unit by learning how weathering, erosion, and deposition impact the earth. It’s an amazing part of our unit as we can immediately apply these lessons as soon as we step outside and begin to notice these concepts in our own neighborhoods. There will be a quiz Thursday on these terms, as well as a review of the layers of the earth and plate tectonics.

Social Studies: We will begin to wrap up Henrico’s geography and move on to the early history of our county. We are excited about working on our Henrico STEAM Maps! So much creativity. Students will get to create a digital or hand illustrated postcard this week about the settlement of Henricus. I can’t wait to see what they come up with. Have them share theirs with you!

Enjoy the beautiful weekend!



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