Lyons’ Den Virtual Learning Information

Virtual Learning Opportunities

(please note all activities are optional and at parent’s discretion)

Hello families!  Instead of sending links out in emails each week, I will add them here to make it simple to locate. Please let me know if you have any questions!

  1. Place projects here!  Place completed work for performance tasks or choice boards into this folder Virtual Learning Schoology Folder  This could include pictures, google slide shows, etc. that show what you’ve been working on at home. You can also submit performance tasks here EDFLIX Flip Grid.

  2. EdFlix Season 2 Episode 2 (April 27 – May 8)

  3. Performance Task Rubric

  4. CLEVER Connections

  5. Digital Library Resources (Optional online at home access)

  6. Mrs. Sitter’s Blog (Daily Mindful Activities)

  7. GAES 5th grade portaportal


Zoom Meeting Schedule:

  • Whole Group Meetings with Class each Tuesday & Thursday 1:00 – 2:00

  • Small Group Meetings each Friday – Boys 11:00 – 11:30 & Girls 12:00 – 12:30

See my personal emails or Schoology messaging for Zoom ID’s & passwords.


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