Lyons’ Den Update April 23, 2020

Helpful Information:

EDFLIX Education Opportunities provided by HCPS

EDFLIX Season 2; Session 1 April 14 -24 (recommendation-complete 1 option for each category each week and complete the performance task on “Global Citizen”)

EDFLIX link:

Zoom Meeting Information:

Tuesday/Thursday each week whole group meetings:

Meeting ID: 722 020 650
Password: 5wXt5E

The whole group ID & PW is also found at the bottom of each of my emails.

Small Group Zoom Meetings each Friday:

Small Group #1 11:00 -11:15
1-5 (Victor, Adalyn, Alekhya, Evan, Kenai)
Meeting ID: 269-652-065
Password: 265081

Small Group #2 11:30 – 11:45
16-19 (Braxton, Tatya, Marley, Payton, Anna Berit)
Meeting ID: 208-891-651
Password: 720313

Small Group #3 12:00 – 12:15
6-10 (Lauren, Nico, Mandolin, Aamira, David)
Meeting ID: 631-232-373
Password: 343235

Small Group #4 12:30 – 12:45
11-14 (Mikayla, Vietvan, Braylon, Gabriel)
Meeting ID: 712-119-100
Password: 744086

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