March 13, 2020

Good afternoon Glen Allen families,

Due to the unexpected closing of HCPS schools, please refer to the information sent home with your child today, the Distance Learning website (, and the below overview of what your child should be completing while out of the GAES building over the next two weeks. We hope you and your family stay healthy and safe, and we look forward to seeing your kiddos soon!

Our team will meet and readjust timelines for assignments that were previously scheduled during the two weeks that we will be out. (tests/quizzes etc).  We will keep you updated as soon as we have a plan. Thank you for all of your support!

There are 4 main assignments your child should complete and bring back with them upon the reopening of school, all of which are located in the packet they brought home today.

  1. Taking Care of our Earth! Performance Task (bring/submit project and reflection)
  2. Choice Board (1 box completed per subject area per week-just bring choice board, not all activities)
  3. Reading (1 activity completed per category per week)
  4. Math (1 activity completed per category per week)

In addition, we have sent home directions for logging into Clever, MobyMax, and Khan Academy. These resources will allow your child to practice reading and math skills aligned with our current content areas. Please also utilize the PortaPortal.

As always, we encourage reading at least 20 minutes a day. We would love for them to write a few entries about the progress they are making in their free choice novels! They have also brought home several books from the GAES library today to ensure they have exciting, new material to engage with.

From Mrs. Lucas:

The Activity Log should be completed from 3/14-3/20 and turned in when students return to school. The Final 5th grade test review needs to be studied a little each week: 5th Review Study Guide. The test will be April 28th-May 1st. Stay active over break with the Alphabet Fitness Challenge!


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