March 6, 2020

Good afternoon families! We enjoyed the spirit days for Read Across America Week. Pajama day on Thursday was definitely a treat!

We are helping our art teacher, Mrs. Siler, by collecting dried out markers for the Crayola recycling program. A letter was sent home last week. Feel free to send in any brand marker from home that’s no longer working.

We are also assisting our school librarian, Mrs. Harris, in her collection of soda tabs for the Ronald McDonald House charity. If you have any of these at home, please remember to send them in too! 

Students will be taking the HCPS satisfaction survey during the week of March 23-27. If you do NOT want your child to participate in this anonymous survey, please return the slip we sent home last week.

PE:  Mrs. Lucas sent a reminder that next week will be the final Pacer test in PE! Our class will participate in this on Friday, 3/13. 




3/9: Math Quiz on Angles/Triangles

3/12: Angle Name Project due

3/12: Science Force & Motion Quiz 

3/13: Book Buffet Book Report Due

3/13: PE Pacer Test

3/17: Midwest Unit Test

3/30: Student half day/End of 3rd Nine Weeks

4/6-4/10: Spring Break!

4/13 School Holiday/Schools Closed

Classroom News:

Math: Next week we will be working with the parts of a circle. Students will need to know how to label the radius, diameter, chord and circumference of a circle. We will have some great hands-on ways to help with the understanding of this skill.  On Friday, we have some special activities planned to celebrate March 14th –  Pi Day!

Science: In science we will be reviewing the 4th grade content on Force, Motion, and Energy.  This is a brief review and we will have a quiz on Thursday, 3/12. Please use this site for review of all the 4th grade content: Virginia SOL Resources: Fourth Grade Science

Reading: We are beginning a unit on figurative language and poetry! We will have Greek & Latin Roots List 7 words to work on for the week as well.


Your child should be completing their Book Buffet report that is due next Friday! Refer to this link for the electronic version of the directions and rubric: Book Buffet Requirements. Please note that all students need to bring the rubric to class with their project!


Social Studies: We are continuing with the Midwest Region. Students will be using the textbooks, Epic, and Quizizz to help them review all Midwest content for the unit test on 3/17. A study guide will be sent home on Tuesday. Using their notes, students should complete this study guide as homework and to help them prepare for the test. The completed study guide is to be returned on the day of the test (3/17).

Writing: We are prewriting and moving into drafting for our Q3 topic for the Henrico County portfolio: Imagine a helicopter with a famous person on board landed near your school. The person was coming to visit your class! Who was this person and what happened when he/she came to your classroom?

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