Happy Friday! We had another great week in the “Lyons’ Den!” Creating license plates of our favorite Northeast state and working on understanding atoms, molecules, and compounds using Fruit Loops were some of the fun learning activities we enjoyed. We have numerous classroom and school-wide events coming up so please be sure to note these on your calendar.
The 5th Grade Chorus performance, “Gotta Be Jazz,” is this Tuesday, February 25. Mr. Mills has supplied the music for students to practice at home: Gotta Be Jazz. Here are all the details for performance night: Gotta Be Jazz Info Letter This evening will also be a PTA fundraiser. Our kiddos worked on creating an incredible pair of corn hole boards that will sure to be a memorable keep-sake for one lucky winner. The silent auction will be held prior to the performance!
2/25: Jump Rope for Heart (after school for individuals that signed up)
2/25: 5th Grade Chorus Performance/PTA Auction (arrive by 6:15 and meet in the music room)
2/26: Spring Pictures (You must send in payment and order form for the CLASS picture only!)
2/28: Greek and Latin Roots #5 Quizzes
2/28: Midwest Vocabulary Quiz
3/2: Matter Unit Test
3/3: Student Holiday
3/4 Matter Unit Test
3/13: Book Buffet Book Report Due
Classroom News:
Math: We will learn how to use a hand-held protractor and the online protractors and then understand how these measurements can help us classify angles and triangles. Our goal is that each student understands that every triangle can be classified by their sides (equilateral, isosceles, scalene) and by their angles (right, acute, obtuse). The portaportal has some great links for triangles, including a catchy little song!
Science As we continued our unit on matter this week, we focused on atoms, compounds, reading the periodic table, mixtures and solutions. We will review and do a fun real-world project about the atoms we eat before having our matter test on Wednesday, March 4th. Check out this Study jams – mixtures!
Reading: We are continuing to examine cause and effect relationships in various texts. In small groups, we will read more about influential African-Americans in honor of Black History Month. As usual, students will have a set of vocabulary words to work on this week as we continue with our Greek & Latin Roots units. Quizzes will be on Friday.
Your child should be completing the reading of their book for the Book Buffet report that is due on March 13. The creation of this book report will take some thought and pre-planning, so please encourage your child to manage their time wisely! Click on this link for the electronic version of the directions and rubric: Book Buffet Requirements. Check out this video of past Book Buffet Book reports! Book Buffet Book Report Video
Social Studies: We are starting our unit on the Midwest Region on Monday! There will be a Midwest vocabulary quiz on Friday. Students will be working with these terms in class on Tuesday. Please make sure your child is using their flashcards to learn the states and capitals!
Writing: We will continue to concentrate on revising our writing and using resources to achieve strong writing samples full of vivid vocabulary and voice.