February 16, 2020

I hope you and your family had a Happy Valentine’s Day!  The students had such a great time at the YMCA on Friday while reinforcing their aquatic safety lessons from PE with Mrs. Lucas!

Middle school schedules went home with your child last Thursday.  Mrs. Sitter wrote a note on the back requesting these to be signed and returned by this Thursday, 2/20.  If changes are needed, please write the change on this form. After 2/21, Mrs. Sitter will not have access to make changes for our students.

The 5th Grade Chorus performance, “Gotta Be Jazz,” is right around the corner onFebruary 25. Mr. Mills has supplied the music for students to practice at home: Gotta Be Jazz. Here also is all the details for performance night: Gotta Be Jazz Info Letter

Look at the amazing job the students, with the help of Mrs. Turner, did on these corn hole boards! These awesome boards will be open to bids during the auction the night of the 5th grade musical performance on Tuesday, February 25. Come ready to bid on this wonderful keepsake! 

The annual field day design contest is on!  Mrs. Lucas is requesting all entries be returned by this Friday, Feb. 21.  Here is a copy of the form! Field Day Contest




2/17: Student half day/President’s Day

2/18: Northeast Region Unit Test

2/19: Math Patterns & Spiral Review Quiz

2/20  Signed middle school schedules due

2/21: Greek and Latin Roots #4 Quizzes

2/25: Jump Rope for Heart (Both Permission Forms due ASAP!)

2/25: 5th Grade Chorus Performance/PTA Auction (arrive by 6:15 and meet in the music room)

2/26: Spring Pictures

3/3:  Student Holiday

3/13: Book Buffet Due

Classroom News:

Math: We will be continuing to explore patterns. Students will have a quiz on Wednesday on patterns, but also on content from earlier in the year. We like to spiral back and review past concepts to ensure the skills stay fresh in your child’s mind. Please make sure they are reviewing notes throughout their notebook and utilizing the practice options on PortaPortal. We will spend some time at the end of this week reviewing and reinforcing concepts from throughout the 5th grade curriculum we have covered so far.

Reading: Ask your child about their research topic presentation! Students did a marvelous job of digging through sources to find information to answer the research questions they were most excited about. All of us learned a lot from the presentations yesterday and today. This coming week, we will be digging deeper into cause and effect relationships in a text. As usual, students will also have a set of vocabulary words to work on this week as we continue with our Greek & Latin Roots unit. Quizzes will be on Friday.

Your child should be beginning to read their book for the Book Buffet report due March 13. The creation of this book report will take some thought and preplanning, so please encourage your child to manage their time wisely! Click on this link for the electronic version of the directions and rubric: Book Buffet Requirements. Check out this video of past Book Buffet Book reports! Book Buffet Book Report Video

Science: We are continuing to work through our matter unit, focusing on clarifying the differences between atoms, elements, molecules and compounds. Later in the week, we will be looking at mixtures and solutions and what they have in common.

Social Studies: Our Northeast Region unit test will be Tuesday, 2/18. Students should be working on their study guide at home. This is a great way to review all the material that will be on the test. The study guide is due on 2/18 as well. For the rest of the week, we will be working on a fun Northeast State license plate project. Students will get to learn fun facts about a particular state while letting their creativity go wild as they design a license plate to best represent their state. Looking ahead, we will be “driving” into the MidWest region!

Writing: Our Quarter 3 focus is on revising. Students are working on prewriting and creating a rough draft about their excitement, fears, and anxieties about the move to middle school. Rough drafts should be completed by the end of this coming week so we can move into revising!

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