February 7, 2020

Our first week of February flew by! We were disappointed that “Mother Nature” interfered with our field trip to the YMCA today, but we are happy that we were able to reschedule the trip for next Friday, February 14th.  Look for a new permission slip for this coming home for your child on Monday.  

Next Friday is Valentine’s Day. Please be aware that we are not having a party or special snacks that day. However, I am happy for students to exchange Valentines if they choose to. In order to avoid hurt feelings please remember that if your child chooses to bring in Valentines, they need to bring one for each child in the class. Also, due to allergy concerns we encourage any treats to be inedible (pencils, erasers, stickers, etc.). 

Lyons’ Den Class List: Victor, Aladyn, Alekhya, Evan, Kenai, Lauren, Nico, Mandolin, Aamira, David, Mikayla, Vietvan, Braylon, Gabriel, Braxton, Tatya, Marley, Payton, Anna Berit.

Thank you for helping ensure all our students feel safe and included!

Speaking of Valentine’s Day, the Glen Allen Elementary PTA would like to invite you to RSVP at https://forms.gle/YvVYbRVq74H79ATWA for the Valentine’s Day Breakfast that will be held February 10-13, 2020. The event will be held at school daily from 7:20 a.m. to 7:40 a.m. Donuts and water will be served for all attendees. Coffee will be provided for adults. This event is free of charge and sponsored by the Glen Allen Elementary School PTA. However, donations will be accepted.

Gotta Be Jazz – 5th Grade Musical Performance

The 5th Grade Chorus performance, “Gotta Be Jazz,” is right around the corner on February 25. Mr. Mills has supplied the music for students to practice at home: Gotta Be Jazz. Click on this link for information from Mr. Mills about performance night: Gotta Be Jazz Info Letter




2/10: Quarter 2 Report Cards come home

2/10-2/13: PTA Valentine’s Breakfast 7:20-7:40 am

2/11: Math Quiz

2/14: Greek & Latin Roots #3 Quizzes

2/14: Rescheduled YMCA Aquatics Field Trip

2/17: Student half day/President’s Day

2/18: Northeast Region Unit Test (Study Guide Due)

2/25: Jump Rope for Heart (Both Permission Forms due ASAP!)

2/25: 5th Grade Chorus Performance/PTA Auction (arrive by 6:15 and meet in the music room)  

2/26: Spring Pictures

3/13: Book Buffet Book Reports Due

Classroom News:

Math: We are wrapping up our unit on variables. Students have a quiz on Tuesday. Then we will be moving into patterns! Students will learn to recognize the core pattern and where it begins to repeat. As we continually spiral to keep all material fresh, please be sure that your child accesses the portaportal site for review. The link to this can be found on the blog page and at the bottom of my email signature. 

Reading: Students are enjoying our research project! They will be creating a brief slideshow to share what they have learned with the class on Thursday. In small groups, we are reading biographies and autobiographies of influential African-Americans in honor of Black History Month.

Your child should be choosing their book for the Book Buffet report due March 13. The creation of this book report will take some thought and planning, so please encourage your child to manage their time wisely! 

Click on this link for the electronic version of the directions and rubric. Book Buffet Requirements

Check out this video of past Book Buffet Book reports! Book Buffet Book Report Video

Science: We are continuing our unit on matter! We will be discussing atoms and elements. Students will learn to read the periodic table. This is where science starts to feel “real” to students!

Social Studies: Our investigation of the Northeast Region continues. Students will be bringing home a study guide this week to complete as homework in preparation for the Northeast unit test. The study guide is due on  the day of the test, Tuesday, 2/18. At the end of this coming week, we will learn more about President’s Day, which is coming up on Monday, 2/17.

Writing: Our quarter 3 focus is on revising. Students will be working on prewriting and then creating a rough draft before going back to revise. We will discuss the importance of revision and how word choice can make our writing more powerful. Revision is also where students can alter tone and ensure their voice is coming through. It’s exciting to see students’ work evolve and grow!

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