Just a reminder that Monday, January 21st School’s will be closed in honor of Martin Luther King, Jr.
Wow, what a week! We had fabulous book report presentations on Tuesday. I loved the creativity of the cereal boxes and the enthusiasm of the presentations. Fantastic job!
Just a reminder that the Glen Allen Science Fair has been rescheduled for Thursday, January 23 due to the conflict with the Hungary Creek Curriculum Fair. The Science Fair will take place from 6:30 – 7:30. All Cubs are invited to attend!
Benchmark Testing
This coming week and the following week we have benchmark testing
for Reading and Math. Each test is split over two mornings. Please ensure your child is reviewing all notes and PortaPortal links so they can feel confident before test day! Also be sure that your child gets a good night’s rest, eats a nutritious breakfast, and arrives at school on time on testing days as we will begin right at 8:00.
The end of the 2nd 9 weeks marking period is January 24th, next Friday! I am working with your child to get all missed graded assignments completed and turned in by the 24th. Your support at home is appreciated.
Middle School Class Selections
The parent window will open on January 21st to enter your child’s electives for nextyear. Please refer to the packet from Hungary Creek for details on how to access this site as well as the elective details. These decisions can promote some exciting conversations at home!
We are gearing up for the 5th Grade Chorus performance, “Gotta Be Jazz,” in February. Mr. Mills has supplied the music for students to practice at home: Gotta Be Jazz. Enjoy!
1/20: SCHOOL CLOSED in honor of Martin Luther King Day
1/21: 6th Grade course selection window opens for parents
1/22: Fraction and Probability Math Quiz
1/23 GAES Science Fair 6:30 – 7:30 *Note Change in date*
1/23 & 24: Reading Benchmark
1/24: End of Marking Period 2/1st Semester
1/27: Student Holiday/Staff Clerical Day
1/30 & 31: Math Benchmark
1/31: 6th Grade course selection window CLOSES
2/6 Parent Teacher Conferences
2/7 or 2/14 PE field trip to the YMCA check date for when your class goes
2/25 Jump Rope for Heart
2/26 Spring Pictures
Math: We will be discussing mean, median, mode, and range this coming week. We have some fun songs and raps to help us keep these concepts straight. Our quiz Wednesday will review some of our fractions unit and assess students on probability. There are notes glued into the math notebook and PortaPortal links, so students have several resources to study in preparation for this quiz.
Math 5/6: These kiddos will “add on” to the mean, median, mode, and range concepts by also considering the mean as a balance point. We will watch a great video that explains this concept, and students will have notes glued in as well. Please remember that Math 5/6 students take their own benchmark test that includes 6th grade material covered so far this year. Have your child access PortaPortal at home to practice and reinforce these concepts.
Reading: Our reading benchmark testing is this coming Thursday and Friday mornings. Please ensure your child is well rested and gets to school on time. We will be reviewing in class Tuesday and Wednesday and looking at example questions. Students should have nothing to stress about! Our reading notebooks have notes from concepts we discussed earlier in the year if your child wants to refresh themselves.
Our Cubs Read first semester celebration will take place at the end of the month. Students will have the opportunity to choose from some fun options. Be sure that your child brings in their January reading log at the end of the month. Continue to encourage your child to read above and beyond the required 20 minutes a night!
Science: Although we have no formal benchmark test for Science, we are going to take some time this upcoming week to review all our previously covered content. We have some fun games and interactive digital lessons to help students recall all that we have studied thus far.
Social Studies: While we wrapped up our Southeast Region unit with our test today, we have one last fun project on the Southeast we will work on next week. Partners will choose a state from the Southeast Region and complete a creative “suitcase” that highlights key facts about their state. We will also be doing some activities around Martin Luther King, Jr., and discussing the impact he had on our country.
Writing: After completing our second quarter writing assignment, students will work on their own “I have a dream…” writing in honor of Martin Luther King, Jr.
PE: Mrs. Lucas has started the aquatic safety unit with all 5th grade students. This unit culminates with a morning-only field trip to the YMCA where students put their safety knowledge to the test in the pool. Please read the permission forms carefully and ensure you have signed all 4 pages. The $4.00 fee is due on January 24. All are required in order for your child to participate. Students have their safety workbook in their purple take home folders if you want to help them prepare! Each class is required to have one male chaperone to attend the field trip. If you have completed the GAES volunteer requirements and are interested in chaperoning on this field trip please email me.