January 10, 2020

Welcome back and happy New Year! I hope you and your child spent Winter Break relaxing and enjoying the company of friends and family. We are jumping into a busy month!

We had a lot of fun with our “Fraction Bakery” in math this week! This really helped to reinforce the fraction skills we have covered this nine weeks. We also had a blast with our “Wildflower STEM project!” Students gained a better understanding of the plant parts and the function of each part while creating their own special moving wildflower. Be sure to talk to your student about these hands-on learning experiences!

On Tuesday, administrators from Hungary Creek Middle School visited all of our 5th grade kiddos and talked about the transition to middle school. A lot of information was shared, and students were able to ask questions. Your child brought home a packet from this meeting and a Planning Guide booklet. Please take time to sit with your child and discuss middle school class options. 5th grade teachers are currently inputting our recommendations for what classes would best suit each child based on guidelines we have to follow. You will be able to access the Parent Portal to confirm class selections and enter electives for your child starting January 21st.

I encourage you as a family to attend the HCMS Curriculum Fair on January 16th! It will be from 6:00-7:30 pm and gives both you and your child an opportunity to talk to counselors, meet teachers, and explore options for academics, electives, as well as extra curricular activities.

Please note that if your child applied for the IB program at Moody Middle, you will still need to proceed with the course selection process at HCMS as acceptance decisions have not yet been made.

Please note that the Glen Allen Science Fair has been rescheduled for Thursday, January 23 due to the conflict with the Hungary Creek Curriculum Fair. The Science Fair will take place from 6:30 – 7:30. All Cubs are invited to attend!


Later this month we have benchmark testing for Reading and Math. Each test is split over two mornings. Please ensure your child is reviewing all notes and PortaPortal links so they can feel confident before test day! 

The end of the 2nd 9 weeks marking period is January 24th. I know the holidays involved some travelling and school absences. I am working with your child to get all missed graded assignments completed and turned in by the 24th. Your support at home is appreciated.




1/14: Cereal Box Book Report due! Be prepared to present! Don’t forget your rubric.

1/16: Science Plants Quiz

1/16: Curriculum Fair at Hungary Creek Middle School 6:00 – 7:30

1/17: Weekly Vocabulary Quizzes

1/17: Southeast Region Unit Test; Study Guide Homework Due

1/20: SCHOOLS CLOSED – Martin Luther King Day

1/21: 6th Grade course selection window opens for parents

1/23 GAES Science Fair 6:30 – 7:30 *Note Change in date*

1/23 & 24: Reading Benchmark

1/24: End of Marking Period 2/1st Semester; GAES Yearbook orders & 5th Grade Farewell Ads due

1/27: Student Holiday/Staff Development

1/30 & 31: Math Benchmark

1/31: 6th Grade course selection window CLOSES

2/7   Dawe, Johnson, & Lyons PE field trip to the YMCA (permission slips coming home on Monday!) 


Math: We will be making line plots and stem and leaf plots during the first half of the week. Then, we will begin discussing mean, median, mode, and range.

Math 5/6: In anticipation of the benchmark, we are continuing to review Math 6 concepts. This week, we will focus on fraction/decimal/percent conversions and comparisons.

Reading: I can’t wait to see the book reports on Tuesday!  Students will need to have the completed book report and the rubric on Tuesday. All students will present on Tuesday.

We will be continuing to compare and contrast fiction and nonfiction texts about similar topics. At the end of the week we will also take a practice test to review reading concepts in anticipation of the upcoming benchmark. This coming week will be our last word study packet in this format as we will not have word study during benchmark weeks. Once the second semester begins, we will be moving on to Greek and Latin roots!

Our Cubs Read first semester celebration will take place at the end of the month. Students will have the opportunity to choose from some fun options. Be sure that your child brings in their January reading log on 1/31? Why did it say 1/26? That’s a Sunday. Continue to encourage your child to read above and beyond the required 20 minutes a night.

Science: The beginning of the week will be spent reviewing plants, flower parts, and photosynthesis so students are well prepared for the quiz on Thursday. There are notes and diagrams glued into their Science notebooks, so make sure your student is reviewing this information! The portaportal also has an amazing 4th grade review section. We will do a fun hands-on activity Friday revolving around the scientific method.

Social Studies: Our Southeast unit test will be on Friday, January 17. We will be doing review activities in class and your child will be working on a study guide as part of their homework so all the details about this region will stay fresh!

Writing: The focus of this marking period has been composing. Students are working on their piece for the county portfolio and will complete this assignment early next week. We will then do a fun, creative writing activity from the point of view of a snowman/snowwoman.

PE: Mrs. Lucas has started the aquatic safety unit with all 5th grade students. This unit culminates with a field trip to the YMCA where students put their safety knowledge to the test in the pool. Permission forms will be sent home Monday. Please read carefully and ensure you have signed all pages and submitted the $4.00 fee prior to the deadline of January 24. The YMCA has its own set of forms and we at GAES have our permission form. All are required in order for your child to participate. Students have their safety workbook in their purple take home folders with homework that is necessary to complete. I will need one male chaperone to attend this trip (Feb. 7 11:15 – 1:15). If you are interested and have already completed the GAES volunteer requirements please email me. Thanks so much for your support!

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