December 13, 2019

Thank you for donating to our SCA Toy Drive for kids at the Children’s Hospital of Richmond.

Congratulations to our spelling bee winners. We were so proud of how you represented our classes during the school spelling bee! Alekhya placed second and is the runner up for GAES. Way to go Alekhya!

Hope you enjoyed the Book Fair and were able to select some fun reads for Winter Break!

The 5th Grade Room Parents are planning a wonderful Winter Party for the students. If you would like your child to have a pizza lunch on this day please be sure to sign up and send in your $1.00 donation.    Students who do not want to purchase pizza are welcome to buy lunch from the cafeteria or bring in a lunch from home.

The science fair is on the way! Students brought home a flyer with all the details, plus some ideas and resource links for experiments. If your child is interested in participating in this event on January 16th, please complete the online registration form ( the PTA can get an accurate count for planning. The PTA will supply a trifold for each participant. This activity is optional, but it will count as an extra credit assignment in science!

The students did a great job at the Tree Lighting last Saturday and they are already gearing up for the 5th Grade Chorus performance, “Gotta Be Jazz.” Mr. Mills has supplied the music for students to practice at home: Gotta Be Jazz. Enjoy!




12/17 Math Final Fraction Quiz (no multiplying fractions)

12/18 Science Cells/Living Things Unit Test

12/19 Text Structure Quiz

12/20 Vocabulary Quizzes

12/20 Science Fair registrations due ( )

12/20 Winter Party 12:45 – 1:45

12/23-1/3  Winter Break – Schools Closed

1/8   Southeast Vocabulary Quiz

1/10 Vocabulary and Spelling Quizzes

1/14  Q2 book report due!

1/16 Science Fair  6:15-7:30

1/20  Student Holiday – school closed for MLK Day

Classroom News:

Math: The fractions unit was very challenging, but the kids maintained a terrific “can-do” attitude. We are happy to say that the hardest parts of this unit are over, and we just need to cover multiplying fractions before we move on to a new topic in January. The quiz on Tuesday will not include multiplying fractions.

Math 5/6: Our accelerated math students are doing a good job balancing their time and practicing the 6th grade math skills. The portaportal has terrific videos and review games to help keep this material fresh.  The benchmark in January will include both the 5th and 6th grade topics for these students.

Reading: We are wrapping up our unit on the non-fiction comprehension skills that utilize Text Structures/Organizational Patterns. Students will demonstrate their knowledge with a test covering this skill on Thursday.

Be sure that you are preparing for the Cereal Box Book Report for the second nine weeks. Your child should have selected a fiction book and started reading for the book report that is due on January 14. Please be sure that you keep the directions and the rubric in a safe place and reference it for accurate completion of the book report requirements. The rubric must be returned when the book report is turned in. I cannot wait to see the creativity expressed through this book report next month! If your family is not a big cereal eater, please let me know; I have several extra cereal boxes in the classroom and am happy to send one home with your child!

Cubs Read: Students received a reading log for December. Keep up the great practice of reading above and beyond over Winter Break! We will have a special day awarded to each student who has participated at the end of the 2nd nine weeks. Remember to bring your log back in January!

Science: The students are wrapping up the cells unit with a test on Wednesday. We will then review the scientific method to prepare for some hands-on experiments in January.  


Social Studies: We are completing our projects on learning about the various holidays celebrated around the world this week! The student groups will present their multimedia presentation and quick facts sheet for the class on Friday morning.

Writing: Students are completing their Priceless Gifts 5 paragraph essay this week. We are focusing on using our prewriting to help us compose a coherent piece of writing. We hope you enjoy this treasure as a keepsake and reminder of all the terrific ideas your child thought about when composing this essay.

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