December 6, 2019

Good afternoon families! We had a great time on our field trip to the Virginia Science Museum! We learned so much while having a blast exploring and taking part in some awesome hands on learning. A special thank you to all the chaperones who assisted on the trip. We couldn’t have done it without you!

Congratulations to Kenai on winning 2nd place for the Brookland District at the Henrico Historical Awards reception last Monday! We are so very proud of her!

Tree Lighting Ceremony 

We hope to see you at the Cultural Arts Center for the Tree Lighting Ceremony this Saturday, December 7 at 4:15. The students are so excited to be the stars of the show before the lighting of the tree. Please see the attached letter for details from Mr. Mills:  Tree Lighting Letter


Book Fair Information

The Glen Allen Book Fair is here!

Come shop from 2:30-3:30 pm on December 6, 10, 11, 12

Extended hours: 11:30 am-3:30 pm on December 9th.

Can’t shop in person?  Just fill in the book form and we will try to complete your request-but remember to add tax!

Books make a great holiday idea for students and teachers.

SCA Toy Drive

The Glen Allen SCA is collecting toys for The Children’s Hospital of Richmond once again this year!  We will collect from Monday, December 9th until Friday, December 13th.   Please see the attached flyer for suggestions for donations SCA Toy Drive.  Thanks so much for your generosity!


Mrs. Dawe, Mrs. Ives, and the Glen Allen SCA




12/6-12/12     Book Fair in our library from 2:30-3:30

12/7 Tree Lighting Ceremony at Cultural Arts Center

12/9  Student ½ day

12/10 Social Studies Quiz on 12 Southeast States – Map Locations and Capitals

12/12 Math Fractions Quiz 2

12/13  Vocabulary and Spelling Quizzes; PE homework due

12/20 Winter Party 1:00 – 2:00

12/23-1/3  Winter Break – Schools Closed

1/14  Q2 book report due!

Pictures: If you ordered pictures, your child took them home last week.  If you would like retakes, the photographer will be back on Monday, December 9th. You will need to send the original pictures back with your child to hand to the photographer on the 9th.

Classroom News


Next week in math we will be combining all of our fraction lessons to learn how to add and subtract like and unlike fractions and mixed numbers.  We will have a quiz on fractions and review material on Thursday, December 12. Please be sure that your child is completing the daily homework and reviewing the portaportal sites for extra practice if necessary. 



In science we will continue learning about biology with the Cells unit. We will also be learning about vertebrate and invertebrate animals and vascular and nonvascular plants. Check out the fun practice on the portaportal!


We will continue to focus on the non-fiction comprehension skills that utilize Text Structures/Organizational Patterns. Students are doing a great job recognizing the key words that help to distinguish the various structures. In word study we will be focusing on list number 13. Be sure that your child is reviewing these words daily for understanding of the meaning, as well as the spelling of each word. 

Be sure that you are preparing for the Cereal Box book report for the second nine weeks. Your child should have selected a fiction book and started reading for the book report that is due on January 14. Please be sure that you keep the directions and the rubric in a safe place and reference it for accurate completion of the book report requirements. The rubric must be returned when the book report is turned in. I cannot wait to see the creativity expressed through this book report next month!

Cubs Read: Students received a reading log for December last week. Keep up the great practice or reading above an beyond the daily requirement! We will have a special day awarded to each student who has participated at the end of the 2nd nine weeks. 

Social Studies

The students are enjoying  our unit on the Southeast Region geography. They have notes and maps in their social studies notebook that they should refer to when preparing for quizzes and the unit test on each of the 5 U.S.regions. Students will need to know the map location of the 12 Southeast states and their respective capitals for a quiz on Tuesday, December 10. 

We will begin a unit on learning about the various holidays celebrated around the world this week! The students will work in small groups to research, create a document on the information they collect, and then create a multi-media presentation for the class to be shared the following week.  

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