November 15, 2019

Good afternoon Cub Families! We had another busy week of learning, but we were still able to fit in an important  guidance lesson with Mrs. Sitter, as well as a fun Nearpod lesson on Living Systems! 

Please enjoy next Monday afternoon with your kiddo as we will be dismissing at 11:00 am! Part of our half-day activities will be to hold our class spelling bee! The class winner will compete in the school-wide bee with Mrs. Harris on December 9th.  There is nothing your child needs to do to prepare, just remind them to take their time and think through the word carefully before beginning to speak aloud.

PE: Mrs. Lucas has asked that we share this document RHR and THR Sheet  regarding having children take their heart rate. She taught them this during PE this week, but is asking for you to help your child complete this worksheet and turn it in to me on Monday, 11/18. These numbers will be something that she uses with students in PE all year long.

Canned Food Drive: We are still collecting non-perishable can and boxed food items until November 21st! We are also collecting hats and gloves for students in Henrico to help them stay warm as they board buses to school each morning this winter. In addition to providing a brighter holiday season to less fortunate families, we will continue our friendly competition between classes throughout the school. The winner of the “Can Queen” will be announced at the 2nd grade winter performance in December. Thank you for helping us show the Glen Allen Cub Way and spreading love to area families!

Pictures: If you ordered pictures, your child took them home on Friday! If you would like retakes, the photographer will be back on Monday, December 9th. You will need to send the original pictures back with your child to hand to the photographer on the 9th.

If your child was absent on picture day and you would like to order pictures, this can also be done on December 9th. Your child will need to hand the photographer your order/payment. Please let me know if you need another Strawbridge form and envelope.

Field Trip Info: We’re excited about our upcoming Field Trip to the Virginia Science Museum on December 6! Thank you to those who have sent in permission slips and who have paid online. Please remember all students need to return the signed permission slip, even if you’ve paid online. All permission slips and all online payments must be submitted by November 20th. If you need financial assistance, please contact me directly and we can discuss alternate funding options.

If you are interested in chaperoning please remember that you must have completed the GAES volunteer form and training and be on the approved volunteer list to be selected. Depending on the number of parents interested, I may have to conduct a random drawing of names to determine who will be the chaperone for this first field trip.  I will email all interested parents when chaperones have been selected. Thank you!

Tree Lighting Performance: The 5th Grade Chorus will be performing at the Glen Allen Cultural Arts Center’s Tree Lighting Ceremony on December 7th. Students will need to be there from 4:15 to around 5:00 pm to perform 3 songs. Mr. Mills and the students have been working hard in anticipation of this event! Please read this Tree Lighting Letter from Mr. Mills for more details. Wear red and green!

Cotillion: Interested in having your child participate in Cotillion next year? Please read this Cotillion Letter and email the required information to Hanna Turner by November 20th.




11/18 Student half-day

11/18 Heart Rate worksheet due

11/20 Tom/Tammy Turkey due

11/20 Last day for field trip permission forms/online payments

11/20 Last day to submit info for cotillion

11/22 Weekly vocabulary and spelling quizzes

11/22 IB Writing Prompt

11/27-29 Thanksgiving Holiday – school closed

12/6 Science Museum field trip

12/7 Tree Lighting Ceremony at Cultural Arts Center

Classroom News

Math: We have worked hard this week mastering the basics of fractions – including greatest common factor in order to reduce fractions, and least common multiple in order to create “like” fractions. Next week we will use these skills to learn how to add and subtract fractions. The PortaPortal has a plethora of links to use to review these topics!

Math 5/6: Our 5-6 friends are also working hard on the fraction unit, and they will extend their lessons to converting fractions to decimals, and then to percents.  

Reading: We are emphasizing supporting conclusions with evidence from the text. This coming week we will be reviewing all skills with a Thanksgiving packet that highlights reading closely, sequencing events, and comparing/contrasting. This packet will be due before Thanksgiving Break, so students will complete any final activities two days of school after next week.

Several students have been logging extra reading time on their Cubs Read Calendar/Log! Keep up the great work!

Book Report: Information on our second book report will be coming home on Tuesday. This cereal box report should be a fun, unique way for students to demonstrate their knowledge of the book they read. Please keep in mind that following the directions, being neat and colorful, and presenting/sharing the project are all components of a student’s final grade. There will be an extra credit opportunity for this report as well. This book report will be due January 14th, so there is plenty of time for students to read a great, grade-level novel and complete the assignment.

Science: We wrapped up our 4th grade review of adaptations and ecosystems today. Next week, we will move into our cells unit! Students will need to understand the function of each structure in an animal and plant cell and be able to name all the structures in each. We will also discuss organelles and their functions. Students should review their notes regularly so these concepts stay sharp in their mind!

Social Studies: Students are working hard on their 5 Themes project. Next Friday, students will share their project with the class/other students will play their regions game. Ask your child about what they are creating!

Writing: Some students have already shared the creativity they are using on the Tom/Tammy Turkey assignment. I  can’t wait to see them all on Wednesday, along with the written explanation or story! Remind your child that the writing portion should be typed or neatly written on lined paper.

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