November 1, 2019

November is upon us and it’s beginning to feel like fall! We had a fun week in the “Lyons’ Den” completing some festive activities, like synonym graves, pumpkin main idea/detail matching, as well as some spooky decimal activities.

Students did a fantastic job on their book reports. I was very proud of the hard work they put into preparing the posters, presentations, and the summary reports! We have all added some great new titles to our “Books to Read” lists.

Fall conferences take place on Monday, November 4. I am looking forward to seeing those of you who have already signed up. I would love to see every family, and I still have some open slots. If you cannot make it Monday, but would like to meet to discuss your child’s progress, please email me directly so that we can schedule another time to discuss your child’s progress and celebrate their completion of the first quarter of 5th grade!

Please remember that Tuesday, November 5th is a student holiday. 

Don’t forget to purchase your GAES yearbooks and to submit a fond 5th Grade Memory. The forms for yearbooks and the 5th grade memory came home with your child last week.

Lyons’ Den’s November Wheel Schedule:

November 4 – Library

November 25 – Music

Henrico Christmas Mother

The GAES SCA is holding their annual canned food drive November 11 – November 21. Please consider donating non-perishable can or boxed food items. We will also be collecting hats and gloves for students in Henrico to help them stay warm as they board buses to school each morning this winter. In addition to providing a brighter holiday season to less fortunate families, we will continue our friendly competition between classes throughout the school. The winner of the “Can Queen” will be announced at the 2nd grade winter performance in December. Thank you for helping us show the Glen Allen Cub Way and spreading love to area families!




11/4  Parent Teacher conferences (by appointment)

11/4 Rescheduled Henricopolis visit (Dawe, Johnson, Slater)

11/5 Student Holiday

11/6 Science Oceans Unit Test

11/6 Ocean Wheel due

11/7 Math Decimals Computation & Review Quiz

11/7 Rescheduled Henricopolis visit (Lyons, Perritt)

11/11 Veterans Day 1st grade performance (all classes watch streamed footage in classrooms)

11/20 Tom the Turkey due (detailed information for this fun writing activity will be coming home with students on Monday)

Classroom News

Math: We will review decimal computation before taking our quiz on Thursday. Friday we will introduce converting decimals to fractions. As we continue building upon previously taught content, please ensure your child is reviewing notes nightly and practicing concepts using links on the PortaPortal or MobyMax. Fact fluency greatly helps with proficiency in all math topics so be sure to practice those facts regularly on MobyMax in order to master them. 

Math 5/6: Students are getting the hang of integers. We will be looking at decimal word problems this week and will continue practicing adding and subtracting integers. We have some fun links in Schoology so students can do some digital activities with these concepts.

Reading: This week, we will be combining all the work we have done so far with summarizing and inferencing. Students will think critically about a text and use inferencing and summarizing skills to draw conclusions that they can back up with evidence from the text.

Cubs Read: Thank you to all who submitted October reading log calendars. Remember the logs need to have the total number of minutes and should be signed/intialed by a parent. The November log went home today.  Keep up the good work to earn another prize at the end of November!

Science: We are really enjoying our oceans unit! Our unit test will be this Wednesday. Students should also be working on their Ocean Wheel review assignment at home. This is a great tool to use to study for the test and is also due on Wednesday. I can’t wait to see how colorful and creative students got with these!

STEAM: Friday is STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Mathematics) Day. Students will complete a fun, hands on lab. Think of some ways you and your family can incorporate STEAM activities at home next weekend!

Social Studies: We are continuing with our introductory geography unit by digging deeper into the 5 themes of geography: MR HELP=Movement, Region, Human-Environment interaction, Location, and Place. We will also spend Thursday and Friday this week talking about the history of Veterans Day. Students will also get to create their own Veterans Day seal that honors all branches of the military. Thank you to all GAES family veterans and active service members.

Writing: Students will be bringing home Tom/Tammy the Turkey assignment on Monday. Please help disguise Tom so he won’t be taken for Thanksgiving! Students should think outside the box and decorate their turkey any way they want. Previous students have chosen the Statue of Liberty, a Chick-fil-a “Eat more chikin” outfit, hiding in big box of popcorn, or dressed as Abe Lincoln with a beard and stove pipe hat! Students will also write a short story or letter about their turkey and his adventures. This will be due November 20th. 


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