October 25, 2019

We had an exciting week in the “Lyons Den!” After getting our lovely faces captured for picture day on Monday, we moved through the week by wrapping up our unit on Henrico History, recognizing the keys to summarizing our reading, jumping into our Oceans Unit with cool experiments detailing how salinity and temperature affect water density, and tackling multiplying and dividing decimals.

As the weather continues to transition into fall, please make ensure that your child brings a jacket to school. Unless it’s too cold, raining, or extremely muddy we will be going outside for recess to run, play, and enjoy the brisk, fresh air! Closed-toed shoes are required not just for PE, but for recess as well so our kiddos are safe on all playground equipment.

Fall Conferences are scheduled for November 4th! The SignUp Genius was sent out on Wednesday. I would love to meet with all parents so that we can touch base face-to-face regarding your child’s progress and to celebrate the completion of the 1st 9 weeks of 5th grade! 


We have some fun fall themed activities planned for this coming week. Please note that school policy does not allow costumes, candy, or other goodies to be brought to school. We hope you and your child will enjoy whatever holiday festivities you choose to partake in as a family at home.

Don’t foget that Monday is a half day for students! 




10/28 Student half day – dismissal begins at 11:00

10/29 Social Studies Map Vocabulary Quiz

10/29 Henricopolis Conservation Visits 5th Grade! (Johnson, Slater, Dawe)

10/30 Henricopolis Conservation Visits 5th Grade! (Lyons, Perritt)

10/30 Science Quiz (Ocean Floor & Motion of Ocean)

10/31 Character Collage Book Reports due – return rubric

11/1 Vocabulary/Spelling Quizzes

11/1 Family Life 9:40

11/4  Parent Teacher conferences (by appointment)

11/5 Student Holiday

Classroom News:

Math: We finished learning about decimal computation, and we know how to solve a division problem without leaving a remainder! We’ll continue to review these skills next week. Don’t forget that the PortaPortal has great games and activities to review our concepts. Students can also be reinforcing math skills by getting on MobyMax at home.

Math 5/6: This past week we began to differentiate more with homework and classwork assignments so 5/6 kiddos are practicing their 6th grade content more during math block. We are continuing to work together during small group math stations and our Power Up block. This week, we will be working on adding and subtracting integers.

Reading: Students will continue working with nonfiction texts. We are discussing how to write good summaries that include supporting details located within the text. We will have our vocabulary quizzes on Friday. Students are making good improvement in the spelling of their words, however, please continue to have your child spend time reviewing the meanings of the words, as well as how to apply the words in context.  The Wednesday homework page in the weekly vocabulary packet is very similar to what students must do on the vocabulary application quiz.

Spelling City:  Spelling City as a fun way to practice vocabulary and spelling! Look for the link to this on the right hand side of the blog. Find my word lists by searching under teachers and locating Cathy Lyons. Remember we are on the first semester multisyllabic word lists. Next week we will be on list #8.

Remember that book reports are due Thursday! Students should be completing their character collage and written summary and practicing for their oral presentation. I am excited to see students present these to their classmates!

Science: Our oceans unit is going swimmingly! This week we will have a quiz Tuesday on the parts of the ocean floor and the types of motion in the ocean. Then, we will continue our oceans studies by discussing food chains and food webs. Later in the week, students will begin working on a creative review project; they will design and color an ocean wheel that highlights key facts and information from our ocean unit.

Social Studies: Farewell, Henrico history! Welcome, Geography! We began our unit by discussing map skills and vocabulary. Students will have a brief map vocabulary quiz on Tuesday. In their social studies notebook you will find a page with all the vocab and definitions, as well as a two-page study guide. We will be starting longitude and latitude the middle of this coming week. Students will practice using these lines to find specific locations on a map.

Congratulations to Kenai and Anna Berit who were selected by their peers as our class winners of the Henrico Historical Awareness Project. All students chose a person, place, or event from Henrico’s history and designed a rough draft of a trifold display explaining the significance of this person, place or event. All classroom winners will complete a trifold display that our administration team will review. A school winner chosen by them will go to a county-wide event in early December to present their trifold. Good luck to Kenai and Anna Berit!


Veteran’s Day

Please join us to recognize and honor Glen Allen Community Veterans on Monday, November 11th at 8:30AM. All families and school patrons are invited. Veterans are encouraged to wear their uniforms to the Program. Each veteran will be introduced along with the student(s) or member(s) of the staff who invited him/her. The Veterans Day Program and 1st grade musical performance will take place in our auditorium and will be video-streamed in to all of our classrooms.

Please complete the google doc below ON/BEFORE November 4th to be included in the program.


Red Ribbon Spirit Week is October 28th– November 1st

From Mrs. Sitter our school counselor:

Respect Yourself. Respect Others. We will be celebrating Red Ribbon Spirit Week by having the following spirit days next week:

Monday ~ Wear RED to show that, at Glen Allen Elementary, we respect ourselves and others. 

Tuesday ~ Wear a bandana to show that Glen Allen Cubs “band together” against bullying! 

Wednesday ~ MIX-IT-UP DAY!!!!  Wear “mix”-matched socks for Mix-It-Up Day when we mix it up at lunch to get to know new friends. 

Thursday ~ Wear your sunglasses to show that when we make healthy choices our futures will be so bright, we’ll have to wear shades!                                 

Friday ~ Wear your favorite Glen Allen spirit shirt, because at Glen Allen Elementary, we are all on the same team.  

GAES Spirit Wear

Get your spirit wear! The GAES spirit wear store is open for online orders. This is a great way to show your school spirit and support the school as this is one of the PTA fundraisers. Money that we raise will go to fund the many programs that support our students, staff and school. The site will be open until October 30th. Once the site closes, orders will be custom made and delivered before Thanksgiving break. This will be your only chance to order spirit wear this fall, so don’t miss out. 


https://www.agpestores.com/corporateimprints/groups.php code: GAES2019


If you have any questions please contact Alyssa Von Herbulis at ajvonh@hotmail.com 

Have a fabulous weekend!

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