October 18, 2019

Good afternoon! I hope this week was terrific for everyone. The students did such a fantastic job on the Earth Science projects! I was so pleased with the preparation, the presentations, and of course the final products. Way to go!

We enjoyed PE Success Week, and I know Mrs. Lucas was impressed with the level of participation. Ask your child how many laps they ran during 6 minutes!

Smile, picture day is on Monday, October 21. Picture ordering information came home with students last week. These payment envelopes should be turned in by Monday, October 21st, as students will hand them in just prior to having their pictures taken. All students will have their pictures taken whether they order or them or not as they will be used in the yearbook.

Parent Teacher Conferences are on the way! Be on the lookout for the Sign Up Genius next week. Conferences will be held on November 4.  






10/21 Smile, it’s Picture Day! Forms and payment must be turned in if you want to purchase your child’s pictures.

10/25 Vocabulary/Spelling Quizzes

10/28 Student half day

10/29 Henricopolis Conservation Visits 5th Grade!

10/30 Henricopolis Conservation Visits 5th Grade!

10/31 Character Collage Book Reports due

11/1 Vocabulary/Spelling Quizzes

11/4  Parent Teacher conferences (by appointment)

11/5 Student Holiday


Next week we will complete our decimal computation unit as we learn how to multiply and divide decimals. This will include dividing with decimals in the divisor. Each week we have graded cumulative reviews, so keep on reviewing the math notebook and using the portaportal for fun practice!

Math 5/6

Our math 5/6 lessons continue to move along. The students did very well with the Integers and absolute value topics. Next week we’ll explore these a bit more and review the prior 6th grade topics. There will be a graded assignment that will include absolute value, exponents and perfect squares. We are incorporating extra practice of the 6th grade materials during our math rotations and Power Up time frames. Don’t forget to use the portaportal for support with both the 5th and 6th grade topics!


Our Oceans unit will begin next week!  This is such an interesting unit as we learn about how the salinity can change due to environmental factors, and the impact this can have on ocean life. Although this is a short unit, there are so many new things to learn.


We will be working on summarizing nonfiction this week. Students will utilize a variety of nonfiction text to locate the main idea. They will then back up the main idea with evidence by locating the supporting details within the text. 

Character Trait Book Report: Your child should be finishing the reading of a fictional book (4.5 reading level or above) for the book report that is due on October 31. They should then begin working on the visual (poster with character traits) and the 10-20 sentence typed summary of their book. The rubric must be returned with the book report. Be sure that your child is following the guidelines in preparation for this report and brief presentation.

Social Studies

We are wrapping up our unit on Henrico Studies this week with a fun Henrico Historical Awareness culminating project. We will then move into geography. Students will receive a geography study guide that they will glue into their social studies notebook for review of the concepts we are covering. 

Gifted Process

Please read the following information regarding the gifted process from Mrs. Gonzalez:

A parent/guardian, professional educator, community member, self, or peer may refer a student. Referrals are accepted in writing by the school’s Gifted Identification Coordinator, Ellen Gonzalez, October 9-26 for grades 3, 4, 5.

Parents/Guardians must send an email or submit a request in writing to the school’s Gifted Identification Coordinator from October 9-26. Please specify the academic area for the referral- language, math, or both areas.  The school’s coordinator will send the Academic Referral Form and Parent/Guardian Questionnaire home to be completed by November 9.

For further information regarding the referral process, please visit the HCPS website for gifted services.



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