October 11, 2019

Happy Friday Glen Allen families! Just a friendly reminder that Monday is a student holiday/staff development day! Also, please don’t forget that the Science Earth Project is due on Tuesday, October 15.

School News:

PE Success Week:

This year Success week is October 14th-18th. This program is aimed at motivating students, families, and communities to participate in a physically active lifestyle. This event is to help individuals become aware of heart health related fitness components, to promote self-esteem by acknowledging each student’s achievement, and to establish a plan for participation in physical activities at home, school and the community. Remember being active is a lifestyle. This year while in Physical Education class, students will run as many laps as they can in 6 minutes. All students will strive to do their best. Each class will want to run as many laps as they can, because each class will be competing against other classes and grade levels to see who ran the most laps and yards. I encourage all parents to come and run with their child (parent scores are included in the total class score). Don’t forget to get a visitor’s pass from the office before joining your child’s PE class. You can contact your child’s teacher to find out their day and time they have PE class (we will run our laps on Friday, 10/18 at 8:50). The schedule for success week is below and will consist of the following events: 

Mouthful Monday-14th Students enjoy your day off. Write down everything you eat on a piece of paper and bring it with you to PE class. Ask yourself, “Am I eating a variety of color at each meal?” If you aren’t, then you may want to change your eating habits. It’s important to eat healthy to develop strong bones, muscles and teeth. Wear a different color on each part of your body to remind yourself to eat a colorful meal.

Team Jersey Tuesday-16th: Wear your favorite team jersey. Participate in a family plank challenge and see who can hold the plank the longest, then take a relaxing walk in the evening with your family.

Workout Wednesday-17th: Wear your fitness clothing and sneakers. Do 25 jumping jacks, 8 push-ups, 10 burpees, 20 mountain climbers and jog a mile with your family.

Thirsty Thursday-18th: Drink lots of water. It does the body good! Did you know that about 70% of your body is made of water? Check the label on your liquids. Does it have any sugar? If it does, reduce the amount of sugar you are drinking. Wear light blue to remind yourself to drink lots of water. Go on a bike ride with a friend or family member.

Flexible Friday-19th: School Spirit Day. Wear school spirit colors and be part of a winning team. Practice a few stretching exercises with your family. Being flexible prevents injuries when participating in sports. Relax and enjoy the weekend.

Gifted Referrals

Please remember that gifted referrals for grades 3, 4 and 5 will be accepted during the first semester from October 7-October 25. Students in grades K, 1, and 2 can be referred during the second semester from January 6-24.  If you are interested in referring your child for screening, please send a written letter to Ellen Gonzalez, Gifted Identification Coordinator during the appropriate window.  If you have any questions, please contact Ellen Gonzalez at 804-756-3040 or elgonzalez@henrico.k12.va.us and/or refer to http://henricoschools.us/gifted/.

Moody Middle School

Also, 6th grade IB applications are now available. Mrs. Sitter presented to the class and sent home a flyer about the upcoming Moody Middle School Open House. A copy of the flyer can also be found here: 2b 2019 Moody Open House

Reflections Contest

And don’t forget that Reflections Contest entries are due 10/18! Use the arts to share your personal Reflections on this year’s theme: Look Within. More details here: http://www.gaespta.com/images/2019_Documents/Reflections_Flyer_-_Sept_2019.pdf




10/14  Student Holiday

10/15  Earth Projects due!

10/15 Open Notes Henrico Economy Quiz

10/16 Henrico Explorers Passport forms due (optional)

10/17 Math Unit Quiz

10/17 Science Watersheds/Natural Resources Quiz

10/18 Vocabulary/Spelling Quizzes

10/18 Parents are welcome to come run with the class during PE 8:50 – 9:30

10/21 Smile, it’s Picture Day! Forms and payment must be turned in if you want to purchase your child’s pictures

10/25 Vocabulary/Spelling Quizzes

10/28 Student half day

10/29 Henricopolis Conservation Visits 5th Grade!

10/30 Henricopolis Conservation Visits 5th Grade!

10/31 Character Collage Book Reports due

11/1 Vocabulary/Spelling Quizzes

11/5 Student Holiday

Classroom News

Reading: This week we will be switching gears and looking at text features (headings, diagrams, bold words, etc.)  in nonfiction books. As your family reads at home, discuss the text features you use! Real world examples are so helpful as students examine a concept, so please share newspapers and magazines with your child and let them explore text features!

Don’t forget that the Character Collage book report is due on October 31st. Your child should be wrapping up the reading of their book so they have a full two weeks remaining to complete the summary and poster for the book report. 

I’ve seen that some students are filling in their Cubs Read October reading log! I’m thrilled so many are participating in this optional program. Students should log any reading they do above and beyond the required 20 minutes of reading for homework. If they bring this back on November 1st, they will receive a prize!

Math: We will have a quiz on Thursday that will cover all of the math topics thus far: odd/even, prime/composite, computation, word problems, long division, order of operations (PEMDAS), distributive property, rounding decimals, and adding/subtracting decimals. Please encourage your child to review their math notes and to practice skills on the portaportal so they feel confident in all areas before the quiz.

Math 5/6: Students completed their exponent puzzles and we are moving on to integers and absolute value.We are incorporating extra practice of the 6th grade materials during our math rotations (small groups) and Power Up time frames. Don’t forget to use the portaportal for support with both the 5th and 6th grade topics!

Science: Thursday there will be a quiz on watersheds and Virgina resources, a refresher from 4th grade. Students have been doing well during our review sessions in class, but please remind them to spend some time with their notes before the quiz on Wednesday, 10/16.

We can’t wait to share our science projects on October 15th!



Social Studies: The kids had such a blast using Flipgrid to film their tour guide scripts this week! It was a delight witnessing them become more comfortable with being on screen. A few friends had to get used to the idea but produced wonderful videos after a few practice takes. This coming week we will be wrapping up Henrico County studies by reflecting on the person, place, or event from Henrico’s past and how it shaped the history of our county.

Have a fabulous weekend!

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