Monthly Archives: September 2019

September 27, 2019

It was another terrific week in the Lyons’ Den! It’s hard to believe but we are almost at the half-way point of the first nine weeks. Time flies when you’re having fun learning! Bring on October! Don’t forget that Monday, … Continue reading

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September 20, 2019

Happy Friday! We had a terrific week in the Lyons’ Den! It was so wonderful seeing so many of you at Back to School Night on Thursday! I feel so fortunate to work at a school with such a great … Continue reading

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September 13, 2019

Happy Friday, the 13th!! Wow, already two weeks down! We really got into the “nitty-gritty” of the fifth grade curriculum this week. I will begin to meet with each student individually to complete Fountas and Pinnel reading assessments this week. … Continue reading

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September 6, 2019

We had a wonderful first week in the “Lyons’ Den!” We thoroughly enjoyed getting to know one another and bonding through many common interests. We accomplished this through a variety of fun games, discussions, and some great ice breaker activities. We … Continue reading

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