May 3, 2019

“Knowledge Showcase”

The students have been working hard during review sessions in class on what I like to refer to as their “Knowledge Showcase.” This time of year, is their time to shine as they have worked so hard throughout the year and are now ready to “show what they know.”  On Monday, May 6, students will take the Science SOL where they will showcase the knowledge they have gained in 4th and 5th grade science.  Students will continue to showcase their knowledge on the Reading SOLs on Monday, May 13 and Tuesday May 14, and then wrap it up with the Math SOLs on May 20 and 21. I know that each of them will do their very best and shine like stars. Please assist them in this endeavor at home prior to each testing day by ensuring that they get a good night’s rest, eat a nutritious breakfast, and come to school on time. Thank you in advance for your support.

Be sure to try out the great SOL Pass website that our school subscribes to.

The password is cubs. This might be a refreshing source to visit as we near the end of year assessments.

5/6 Science SOL

5/9 Social Studies map quiz on the 11 West Region states

5/13 Reading SOL Part I

5/14 Reading SOL Part II

5/20 Math SOL Part I

5/21 Math SOL Part II

5/18 Glen Allen Flying Squirrels Spirit Night!

5/27 Memorial Day-Schools Closed

5/29 Book Talk Book Report Due

6/11 Primary Voting – Student Holiday

6/12 5th Grade Moving Up Ceremony!

What’s Happening in Reading

We will continue reviewing for our reading SOL test this week using a variety of fun learning activities. We will also continue to work hard on fine tuning our comprehension strategies. These include looking back within passages, using context clues, eliminating, stop and jots, and recognition of synonyms, antonyms, roots, and affixes within words to determine word meanings. Be sure to take time each day to review the reading interactive notebook to freshen up on some past reading terminology.

We will be working on Greek and Latin roots unit #17 (therm – heat; hyper, super – above; hypo, sub – below).

Book Talk – Fourth Nine Week Book Report Due May 29

Students received their final book report instruction packet last week. The due date for completion is Wednesday, May 29. Please review the directions with your child. Students are to complete the packet and act out the role of the main character of the book that they have chosen.  Be sure to assist your child with editing of the written portion in the packet. Students are encouraged to type the information and then cut and glue it into the packet in order to utilize spellcheck and to assists with neatness. For this book report students can select a fiction or non-fiction book. To create authenticity students are encouraged to “dress up” as the main character and bring props if applicable for the character chosen.

Cubs Read (Glen Allen reading incentive program): Is your child logging his/her GAR minutes on their calendar? Be sure that they pick up a May log to keep track of the minutes they are reading each day. This program is a fun way to reward the reading that your child does each day at home.

Social Studies:

We are off to our fifth and final region of the United States – the Western Region! We will be learning the 11 states and capitals and then learn about the natural resources, economic activities, and the significant features of these western states. We will have a map location quiz on the 11 Western Region states on Thursday, May 9. Be sure that your child is reviewing the states and capitals of all 5 regions on a regular basis using the portal portal sites and songs.

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