We are so fortunate that the rain held off and we were able to hold another fabulous Field Day today! Thank you to Mrs. Lucas and all the wonderful parent and former student volunteers who helped to make another wonderful memory for the students.
5/2 West Region State/Capital Matching Quiz
5/3 Greek & Latin List 16 Vocabulary & Spelling Test
5/6 Science SOL
5/13 Reading SOL Part I
5/14 Reading SOL Part II
5/20 Math SOL Part I
5/21 Math SOL Part II
5/18 Glen Allen Flying Squirrels Spirit Night!
5/29 Book Talk Book Report Due
PE Information from Mrs. Lucas:
Please make sure your child is studying for their final PE test next week. They have had the PE review packet for a few weeks, but here is a copy in case they can’t find theirs. PE review Thanks for supporting the Health and PE program at Glen Allen.
Helpful Hints for Seasonal Allergies
Does your child have seasonal allergies? The county has provided some information for our students in the attached letter. Allergy letter
What’s Happening in Reading
We will begin reviewing for our reading SOL test this week using a variety of fun learning activities. We will also continue to work hard on fine tuning our comprehension strategies. These include looking back within passages, using context clues, eliminating, stop and jots, and recognition of synonyms, antonyms, roots, and affixes within words to determine word meanings.
We will be working on Greek and Latin roots unit #16 (meter, metr – measure; pre, fore, ante – before; post – after). Be sure to log on to Spelling City for extra practice with the vocabulary.
Book Talk – Fourth Nine Week Book Report Due May 29
Students received their final book report instruction packet last week. The due date for completion is Wednesday, May 29. Please review the directions with your child. Students are to complete the packet and act out the role of the main character of the book that they have chosen. Be sure to assist your child with editing of the written portion in the packet. Students are encouraged to type the information and then cut and glue it into the packet in order to utilize spellcheck and to assists with neatness. For this book report students can select a fiction or non-fiction book. To create authenticity students are encouraged to “dress up” as the main character and bring props if applicable for the character chosen.
Cubs Read (Glen Allen reading incentive program): Is your child logging his/her GAR minutes on their calendar? Be sure that they pick up an April log to keep track of the minutes they are reading each day. This program is a fun way to reward the reading that your child does each day at home.
Social Studies:
We are off to our fifth and final region of the United States – the Western Region! We will begin by learning the states and capitals and then learn about the natural resources, economic activities, and the significant features of the West. We will have a matching quiz on the 11 Western Region states and capitals on Thursday, May 2. Be sure that your child is reviewing the states and capitals of all 5 regions on a regular basis using the portal portal sites and songs.