Have a safe and relaxing holiday weekend!
4/22 Student/Staff Holiday
4/23 Report Cards Distributed
4/24 Social Studies Southwest Region Test
4/26 Field Day!
5/6 Science SOL
5/13 Reading SOL Part I
5/14 Reading SOL Part II
5/20 Math SOL Part I
5/21 Math SOL Part II
5/18 Glen Allen Flying Squirrels Spirit Night!
5/29 Book Talk Book Report Due
Papa John’s Teacher Delivery Night
We had so much fun delivering pizzas to GAES students and their families on Thursday! Thank you so much for your support of this fundraiser for our school.
We cannot wait for Field Day on Friday, April 27! This is such a special day for our 5th graders as it is the final field day of their elementary career. Please be advised that there will be very limited parking due to construction on campus. Some parking will be available in the neighborhood across the street. If you would like to join your child for lunch we would love to have you! 5th grade will be enjoying lunch in the classroom from 10:55 – 11:50.Be sure to sign in at the office and wear your GAES visitor’s badge at all times so that we can accurately account for all visitors. Remember that your child must have filled out the lunch form in order to receive the bagged lunch from the cafeteria otherwise they should bring a lunch from home.
Below is a photo of the field day schedule in case you find yourself looking for us.
Helpful Hints for Seasonal Allergies
Does your child have seasonal allergies? The county has provided some information for our students in the attached letter. Allergy letter
What’s Happening in Reading
We will continue to work hard on fine tuning our comprehension strategies. These include looking back within passages, using context clues, eliminating, stop and jots, and recognition of synonyms, antonyms, roots, and affixes within words to determine word meanings. This week we will also continue to focus on cause and effect and compare and contrast relationships.
Book Talk – Fourth Nine Week Book Report Due May 29
Students received their final book report instruction packet last week. The due date for completion is Wednesday, May 29. Please review the directions with your child. Students are to complete the packet and act out the role of the main character of the book that they have chosen. Be sure to assist your child with editing of the written portion in the packet. Students were encouraged to type the information and cut and glue it into the packet in order to utilize spellcheck and aid in neatness, however, if they have neat handwriting it can be written. This can be a fiction or non-fiction book. To create authenticity students are encouraged to “dress up” as the main character and bring props if applicable for the character chosen.
Please note that due to the short week, as well as Field Day on Friday, that we will not have our Greek/Latin Roots vocabulary homework or assessments this week.
Cubs Read (Glen Allen reading incentive program): Is your child logging his/her GAR minutes on their calendar? Be sure that they pick up an April log to keep track of the minutes they are reading each day. This program is a fun way to reward the reading that your child does each day at home.
Social Studies:
We will continue with our study of the Southwest Region. Our test on the Southwest Region will be on Wednesday, April 24. Students were given a study guide to complete to prepare for this test. Completion of the study guide will count toward their social studies homework grade and is due on April 24. Continue to visit my Portaportal site for some fun games and songs to help reinforce the 50 states and capitals. This is located on the bottom of my email and the right hand side of the blog.