March 22, 2019

Virginia Historical Society Field Trip – Thursday, March 28

We are really looking forward to our field trip to the Virginia Historical Society on Thursday, March 28. For this field trip please have your child wear comfortable clothing and shoes appropriate for a day of walking. We will eat lunch at the museum so students will need to pack a bagged lunch. Students are welcome to wear their RVA or Glen Allen T-shirts for the field trip.

3/25 – 3/29 GAES Celebrates Youth Art Month (see below for additional information for each day)

3/25 PE Fitness log due (see additional information below and a link for the log if your child misplaces his/hers); Wear Red for Youth Art Month

3/27 Social Studies Midwest Region Test

3/27 Virginia Historical Society Field Trip (Johnson, Slater)

3/28 Virginia Historical Society Field Trip (Lyons, Dawe, Howard)

3/29 End of the 3rd nine weeks!

3/29  1/2 day for students dismissal at 11:00

4/1-4/5 Spring Break

4/11 Reading MAPS Assessment

4/12 GAES Silent Auction at the Glen Allen Cultural Arts Center (adults only)

4/18 Math MAPS Assessment

4/18 Papa John’s Teacher Pizza Delivery Night

4/19 1/2 day for students dismissal at 11:00

4/26 Field Day!


What’s Happening in Reading?

Please note that we will not have vocabulary this week.

The students did such a great job on their Book Buffet Book Report presentations on Thursday! What creative minds! They are proudly on display in the school library.

We are working hard on fine tuning our comprehension strategies. These include looking back within passages, using context clues, eliminating, stop and jots, and recognition of synonyms, antonyms, roots, and affixes within words to determine word meanings. This week we will also continue to focus on cause and effect and compare and contrast relationships.

Cubs Read (Glen Allen reading incentive program):  Is your child logging his/her GAR minutes on their calendar? Be sure that they pick up a March log to keep track of the minutes they are reading each day. This program is a fun way to reward the reading that your child does each day at home.

Social Studies:

In social studies we wrap up our unit on the Midwest Region. This week we will focus on significant features and landmarks of the region as well as complete some review presentations and games. Our test on the Midwest Region will be on Wednesday, March 27. Students were given  a study guide on March 21 to complete to prepare for the test. Completion of the study guide will count toward the students’ social studies homework grade. Continue to visit my Portaportal site for some fun games and songs to help reinforce the 50 states and capitals.  This is located on the bottom of my email and the right hand side of the blog.

PE Activity Log due 3/25

From Mrs. Lucas:

Students are to complete the activity log for PE that they brought home on Tuesday, March 12. Students should only record Saturday, March 16-Friday, March 22nd intensity levels 3 and 4. The activity log should be turned in to me on Monday, March 25th.  Click here to download the log if your child misplaces it: Activity Log .docRevised

March is Youth Art 

Youth Art Month Spirit Week!

Celebrate the importance of art education for all children and support school art programs by wearing different color families each day during the week of March 25-March 29


MondayPrimary Colors (Red, Yellow and Blue) The group of colors from which all other colors can be made

Tuesday – Secondary Colors (Green, Purple and Orange) Colors that result from the mixing of two primary colors

Wednesday – Complementary Colors (Purple/yellow, Blue/Orange, Red/Green) Complementary colors are two colors that are on opposite sides of the color wheel. Complementary colors can make each other appear brighter.

Thursday – Warm or Cool Colors

Warm colors — such as redyellow, and orange; evoke warmth because they remind us of things like the sun or fire.

Cool colors — such as bluegreen, and purple; evoke a cool feeling because they remind us of things like water or grass.

Friday RAINBOW DAY – A way to remember the order of the rainbow, is to use the acronym ROY G. BIV which stands for Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, and Violet

Art teaches students to be creative & critical thinkers, global citizens, good communicators, learn from others, and help students to believe in themselves every day.

Glen Allen will be hosting a Papa John’s Pizza Teacher Delivery Night on April 18! Use the information sheet that came  home with your  child on 3/18!

Important to Note:

  • 100% of the tips go directly to GAES!
  • 20% of sales comes back to our school!
  • Family members and friends outside of the GAES community can order as well.  Delivery will not be an option, but “pick-up” certainly is!
  • We will do our best!  Please be flexible with your expectations for precise delivery time.

Which Glen Allen staff member will show up at your door?????


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