March 15, 2019

Virginia Historical Society Field Trip – Thursday, March 28

We are so happy to announce our field trip that will take place at the end of this month! We will be traveling to the Virginia Historical Society. Field trip permission slips came home with your child on Friday. Please try to have these returned by Monday. There is no fee for this trip.

If you would like to volunteer as a chaperone, and you have completed your GAES volunteer requirements, please let me know.

3/19  5th grade musical show 6:30

3/19 Field Day T-shirt orders due (see link below)

3/19 Reading Poetry/Figurative Language Test

3/21 Book Buffet Book Report Due – Return Rubric

3/22 Social Studies Midwest Map Quiz (know location of 12 Midwest states on the map)

3/25 PE Fitness log due (see additional information below and a link for the log if your child misplaces his/hers)

3/27 Social Studies Midwest Region Test

3/28 Virginia Historical Society Field Trip

3/29 End of the 3rd nine weeks!

3/29  1/2 day for students dismissal at 11:00

4/1-4/5 Spring Break

Field day T-shirt orders:

Field Day T-shirts will be available online this year! Ordering is open until March 19th. Please get your orders in early as no late orders will be accepted. Go to and use access code: GAESFD19 to place your order. You can also find the link to order on the PTA website and Facebook page. Choose your size, then the color (assigned based on the team your child is on). Sizes run a little small, please order carefully as items are custom printed and returns/exchanges are not accepted. All orders will be delivered to the school after spring break. Please contact Alyssa Von Herbulis at with any questions.

The students have been working so hard in chorus for their upcoming performance on Tuesday, March 19. Please click on the link  if your child would like to practice their music for Mr. Mills!   

Doors will open at 6 for our performance on March 19th that starts at 6:30 pm.  Students please meet in the music room. For girls and boys, please wear black pants, white top, and comfortable shoes.  No heels please. Girl may wear black skirts instead of black pants.  Please do not wear a white shirt with graphics.

Click here for Mr. Mills informational letter about the program and program attire: I’m Gonna Let It Shine

PE Activity Log due 3/25

From Mrs. Lucas:

Students are to complete the activity log for PE that they brought home on Tuesday, March 12. Students should only record Saturday, March 16-Friday, March 22nd intensity levels 3 and 4. The activity log should be turned in to me on Monday, March 25th.  Click here to download the log if your child misplaces it: Activity Log .docRevised

Glen Allen will be hosting a Papa John’s Pizza Teacher Delivery Night on April 18! Look for information coming home on 3/18!

Important to Note:

  • 100% of the tips go directly to GAES!
  • 20% of sales comes back to our school!
  • Family members and friends outside of the GAES community can order as well.  Delivery will not be an option, but “pick-up” certainly is!
  • We will do our best!  Please be flexible with your expectations for precise delivery time.

Which Glen Allen staff member will show up at your door?????

Book Buffet Book Report

The students are so excited about our book report for the 3rd nine weeks – the return of the great Glen Allen Book Buffet!  The Book Buffet book report was assigned on February 6 and is due thus Thursday, March 21. Please be sure to go over the book report directions and guidelines with your child  to ensure that they are managing their time wisely in reading and completing the book report project. We outlined parameters for good time management and documented it in our book report direction packet in class. This included the following:

  1. Students should have completed the reading of the book (suggested date for completion was on or before March 6).
  2. Students should begin working on the project to have it completed and ready to turn in on March 21. *Change of date due to 5th grade performance on March 19.

Please be sure to keep the book report directions and rubric in a safe place. All rubrics must be turned in with the book report on March 21.

Click on this link for the electronic version of the directions and rubric. Book-Buffet Book Report.

Greek and Latin Roots 

We will begin unit 8 of the Greek and Latin Roots this week and test on Friday. This will cover the root hydr (water) and the suffixes ance, ence (state, quality) and ness (state, condition). For a head start or extra practice on list 8 be sure to log into Spelling City. We will not have any vocabulary the week of 3/25 – 3/29.

Spelling City: Please have your child log onto Spelling City each week to practice the reading vocabulary. This is such a fun way to increase their knowledge and application of the weekly vocabulary words and to review past lists as well. Look for the link to Spelling City on the right hand side of the blog.

What’s Happening in Reading?

We will complete our unit on poetry and figurative language this week and test on these concepts on Tuesday, March 19.

Students will be tested on the following concepts:

  • figurative language vocabulary
  • figurative language examples
  • types of poetry and rhyming patterns
  • figurative language within poetry

Students will also continue to write some of their own poetry. We had a really large number share some of their  poems with the class on Friday! Be sure to ask your child to share their poetry creations with you. You will be amazed!

We are also working hard on fine tuning our comprehension strategies. This week we will reexamine cause and effect and compare and contrast relationships.

Cubs Read (Glen Allen reading incentive program):  Is your child logging his/her GAR minutes on their calendar? Be sure that they pick up a March log to keep track of the minutes they are reading each day. This program is a fun way to reward the reading that your child does each day at home.

Social Studies:

In social studies we will jump into our unit on the Midwest Region. This week we will cover the states and capitals of the Midwest, as well as the climate, natural resources and economic opportunities of the region. We will have a quiz on the map location of the 12 Midwest states on Friday, March 22. Our test on the Midwest Region will be on Wednesday, March 27. Students will be provided with a study guide to complete to prepare for the test. Completion of the study guide will count toward the students’ social studies homework grade. Continue to visit my Portaportal site for some fun games and songs to help reinforce the 50 states and capitals.  This is located on the bottom of my email and the right hand side of the blog.

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