January 18, 2019

We had a busy 4-day week! The students did a great job presenting their Lotus Book reports. I was really proud of them. The students also did a fabulous job representing GAES on our field trip to the MSIC. They really showed off all the knowledge they have gained in science.




1/21  Martin Luther King, Jr.  Day – School’s Closed

1/23 YMCA Field Trip permission slip & fee due ($4.00)

1/24  GAES Science Fair

1/25 Vocabulary & Spelling Test Greek & Latin Roots List #1

1/25 End of Second Nine Weeks

1/28 Student Holiday

1/29 Middle School portal opens to parents and students

1/29  Reading Benchmarks part 1

1/30  Reading Benchmarks part 2

2/1  YMCA Field Trip

2/4   Math Benchmarks part 1

2/5  Math Benchmarks part 2

2/11 Report Cards go Home

2/11 – 2/14 PTA Cub Valentine Breakfasts (see more information & to register/pay below)

Good luck to Lily – Take 2! Hoop Shoot was postponed to Sunday, Jan. 20.

Lily will be representing Glen Allen at the HCPS Hoop Shoot Contest this weekend! Shoot strong Lily – we’re all rooting for you to win!

Greek and Latin Roots coming next week….

We are excited to start our unit of Greek and Latin roots! Our first lesson will be the root graph (write) and the prefixes ir/non (not) . I am attaching the cover letter that each student will have in their Word Study binder.  Latin and Greek Cover Letter  All first semester word study packets can be placed in a safe location at home. The students will be amazed at the fact that over 60 percent of all English words have Greek or Latin roots. In the vocabulary of the sciences and technology, the figure rises to over 90 percent! (http://blog.dictionary.com/word-origins/). Your child will bring home the Greek/Latin Root packet on Tuesday and will have the vocabulary and spelling test on the words on Friday. They can go onto Spelling City if they would like to get a head start on the word list!

Spelling City: Please have your child log onto Spelling City each week to practice the reading vocabulary. This is such a fun way to increase their knowledge and application of the weekly vocabulary words and to review past lists as well. Look for the link to Spelling City on the right hand side of the blog. This week we will be in the second semester group of words; list #1.

What’s Happening in Reading?

In reading we will begin reviewing for our benchmarks through practice and utilization of various reading comprehension strategies.


Cubs Read (Glen Allen reading incentive program):  Is your child logging his/her GAR minutes on their calendar? Be sure that they have picked up the January log to keep. This program is a fun way to reward the reading that your child does each day at home.

Social Studies:

We will wrap up our unit on the Southeast Region this week with an in class Southeast state project. Students will work with a partner to research specific state information and then prepare a digital presentation for the class. Continue to visit my Portaportal site for some fun games and songs to help reinforce the 50 states and capitals.  This is located on the bottom of my email and the right hand side of the blog.

Aquatic Safety & YMCA Field Trip February 1

Students will be completing Aquatics Safety lessons in PE as well as for homework. Their next assignment in the Aquatics Safety booklet  is due on Friday, January 25. As a culminating activity for this instruction students will attend a field trip at the Shady Grove YMCA on Feb. 1. Students must complete the booklet and turn in the permission slips and fee ($4.00) in order to attend this fun filled field trip. The fee and permission slips are due this Wednesday, January 23.  I am looking for one male chaperone to assist and monitor the boys locker room on the field trip. Please email me if you are available to chaperone.

Middle School Schedules

I know it’s hard to believe, but it’s time to make that decision regarding your child’s elective for 6th grade. Please use the direction packet that they brought home on Thursday to login and make your selection.  You will see the 7 other selections that have already been entered by the teachers for math, science, English, social studies, reading, PE, and innovation literacy.  The portal opens for parents on January 29.

Image result for pta news clip art

The PTA has created a new event this year for our community – A Cub Valentine Breakfast.

From February 11-14, Cub families can join us in the cafe for donuts and photos from 7:20-7:40 am. For just $3 per person, you’ll get a glazed Krispy Kreme donut and a drink. We will also have a photo booth set up, so you can take a fun valentine themed photo with your family.

Dates are assigned by last name:

2/11: A-E
2/12: F-K
2/13: L-R
2/14: S-Z

NOTE: Gold and Platinum Cub Fund Donors – Four donuts and drinks were included with your donation. No need to register UNLESS you need more donuts and drinks. Just come on your assigned date.

Click the link below to register and pay!




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