December 14, 2018


It was great to see everyone again after our snow days!  Please note that due to the snow days our vocabulary test on list 12, High Energy Words, is scheduled for next Tuesday, December 18th.







12/14  Science Fair registration due

12/18 Makeup vocabulary test (list #12)

12/19 Winter Break Party

12/20 – 1/2 Winter Break/Schools Closed

1/24 Science Fair

1/29  Reading Benchmarks part 1

1/30  Reading Benchmarks part 2

2/4   Math Benchmarks part 1

2/4   Math Benchmarks part 2

Just in time – the Chrome Books Arrived!

Wow, we really lucked out to have our one-to-one Chrome Books delivered to us at GAES this week! Just in time to begin our research project in social studies. The students are absolutely loving having this technology at their fingertips.

Next week in Social Studies… 

Next week we will continue with our Holidays Around the World project. The students will complete an inquiry based research project. Students have been collaborating with a partner or small group to research the various winter holiday customs and traditions of various countries.  The students have also been working on creating a presentation. Next Wednesday they will present their project to the class demonstrating the knowledge they have gained. Be sure to have them share the presentation with you so you can see all the knowledge they have gained about various holiday traditions!

What’s Happening in Reading?

In reading we will continue to  work on identifying character traits to help us better understand characters, their motivations, as well as the author’s purpose.

Second 9 Weeks Lotus Book Report Due 1/16/19:

Your child should be finishing up reading for the second 9 week book report over Winter Break. While reading, they should be jotting down notes for completion of the visual portion of the book report. Be sure to review the book report directions and rubric when working on completion of the visual for the book report to be sure all guidelines are being followed.

Please be sure to keep the rubric and instructions in a safe place. Rubrics must be returned to school when the reports/projects are due.

Here is a rough draft example of the Lotus Book Report Visual.

Here are digital versions of the book report directions and rubric should you need it:

Lotus Book Report 1

Lotus Book Report 2

Spelling City:  Please have your go onto Spelling City each week to practice the reading vocabulary. This is such a fun way to increase their knowledge and application of the weekly vocabulary words and to review past lists as well. Look for the link to Spelling City on the right hand side of the blog, search for me under teachers, we are in the first semester group of words (Multisyllabic Vocabulary).  Next week we will be finish  list #12, “High Energy Words,” and have our test on Tuesday, December 18.

Social Studies:

The students are loving our social studies unit on geography. We are learning all about the 5 regions of the United States and the Southeast Region’s 12 states capitals, as well as the various characteristics of the Southeast region.   Be sure to go on my Portaportal site for some fun games and songs to help reinforce the 50 states and capitals. The “Tour the States” song is a real hit! The Portaportal can be found  at the bottom of my email and on the right hand side of the blog.

Curriculum- Make sure to click on my curriculum tab (at the top of this post) to find out the content we are learning in the second nine weeks of school.


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