With Thanksgiving just around the corner it’s the perfect time of year to express how thankful I am to work with such an incredibly amazing group of students, parents, and Glen Allen community! I wish each of you a very safe and happy Thanksgiving!
11/19 PE homework due
11/20 Report Cards Go Home; last day to send in canned goods
11/21-11/23 Thanksgiving Break
11/27 Nikki-Dee Ray, a local television meteorologist visits the 5th grade! Last day to send in “Coats for Kids”
11/30 IB Writing Prompt 9:00
12/1 Tree Lighting Ceremony at the Cultural Arts Center – 5th Graders perform arrive at 4:15 (click on this link for more information Tree Lighting Letter)
12/3 Picture Make Up Day
Henrico Christmas Mother Canned Food Drive November 12 – 20
The canned food drive takes place November 12 – 20. Send in canned foods and non-perishables to help those in our community who are less fortunate. The class with the most donations will have their teacher crowned the “Queen of Cans!”
Coats for Kids – Coat Drive November 15 – 27 
Please consider donating any gently used coats that you have that your child/children can no longer wear to the GAES Coats for Kids drive by November 27.
December 1st Tree Lighting Information:
We are very excited to announce that the 5th grade chorus will be
performing at the 19th annual Glen Allen Cultural Arts Center’s Tree
Lighting on Saturday, Dec 1st. The festivities take place
from 4:30-7:00, however students will be finished with their performance around 5:00. Mr. Mills would love for the students to be there no later
than 4:15 dressed in “wintery” red and green attire (or as much red
and green as can be rustled up). Click on this link for additional information from Mr. Mills Tree Lighting Letter
What’s Happening in Reading?
In reading we are recognizing the importance of what can be proven and what can’t be proven in a text, as this helps us to better understand the author’s message. We will be diving into a variety of text to determine what is a fact and what is an opinion.
Second 9 Weeks Lotus Book Report Due 1/16/19:
Your child received the second 9 week book report instructions and rubric last week. Please be sure to keep this in a safe place. Rubrics must be returned to school when the projects are due. Here is an example of the Lotus Book Report.
Students will have the opportunity to visit the library on Monday if they still need to make a book selection. If you child has already selected a fictional book to read please be sure it is not a graphic novel (Dork Diaries, Captain Underpants) and that it is a reading level of 4.5 or higher.
Here are digital versions of the book report directions and rubric should you need it:
Spelling City: Please have your child log onto Spelling City 2-3 times each week to practice the reading vocabulary. This is such a fun way to increase their knowledge and application of the weekly vocabulary words and to review past lists as well. Look for the link to Spelling City on the right hand side of the blog. Next week we will be working on list #10.
Social Studies:
The students are loving our social studies unit on geography. They have enjoyed learning about the 5 themes of geography and map skills. Next we will begin focusing on the 5 regions of the United States and then states capitals, and characteristics of the Southeast region. Be sure to go on my Portaportal site for some fun games and songs to help reinforce the 50 states and capitals. This is located on the bottom of my email and the right hand side of the blog.
This week in writing the students will be working creating a creative writing and then a multimedia presentation on things that they are thankful for.
Curriculum- Make sure to click on my curriculum tab (at the top of this post) to find out the content we are learning in the second nine weeks of school.