November 9, 2018

We enjoyed learning about Veterans Day this week and then celebrating our veterans during today’s Veterans Day Assembly. We send out a special thanks to all those who have served our country!
      We had such a wonderful time on the RVA field trip on Thursday! The students did a great job sharing the knowledge that they have acquired of the early days of Henrico County and enjoyed learning more about the incredibly historical community in which they live. Thank you to our chaperones, Mr. Alexander, Mrs. Morgan, and Mrs. Samos for your assistance on this trip. Our tour guide told us that we were the best 5th grade class she has ever had! How awesome!




11/13 Social Studies Geography Vocabulary Quiz

11/14 Tom the Turkey due (Rubric must be returned)

11/15   Family Life 8:30

11/16 Social Studies 5 Themes of Geography Test

11/16 IB Applications Due

11/20 Report Cards Go Home

11/21-11/23  Thanksgiving Break

11/30  IB Writing Prompt 8:00

12/1  Tree Lighting Ceremony at the Cultural Arts Center – 5th Graders perform (more information from Mr. Mills will be coming soon)

12/3 Picture Make Up Day

Social Studies

The students will have a vocabulary quiz on Tuesday, Nov. 13, on the 17 geography words that we have been covering. They have a vocabulary sheet in their social studies notebook and note cards to help them study for this.

On Friday, November 16 students will have a geography test on the 5 themes of geography and map skills. They have a study guide in their social studies notebook that we completed in class to help them prepare for this.

Below is a link for a slide presentation reviewing the content:

Map Skills Notes in Slides

Tom the Turkey!

Please be sure that your child is working on the Tom/Tammy Turkey creative writing paragraph and the disguise for his/her turkey. This is a fun activity that all of the 5th grade classes are taking part in. Remember this is due on Wednesday, Nov. 14th.  A template of Tom the Turkey was distributed on Monday and students were asked come up with a creative disguise so that no one eats him on Thanksgiving! The students must also write a short story about their turkey. Be as creative as you would like! Here is a picture of two examples from previous years.  I can’t wait to see the creativity of the students! Don’t forget that the rubric must be returned with the project.

Second 9 Weeks Lotus Book Report:

Your child will be receiving the second 9 week book report instructions and rubric next week. Please be sure to keep this in a safe place. Rubrics should be returned to school when the projects are due.  Students will have the opportunity to visit the library next week to make book selections. If you child has already selected a fictional book to read please be sure it is not a graphic novel (Dork Diaries, Captain Underpants) and that it is a reading level of 4.5 or higher.

Spelling City:  Please have your child log onto Spelling City 2-3 times each week to practice the reading vocabulary. This is such a fun way to increase their knowledge and application of the weekly vocabulary words and to review past lists as well Look for the link to Spelling City on the right hand side of the blog. Next week we will be working on list #9.

Curriculum- Make sure to click on my curriculum tab (at the top of this post) to find out the content we are learning in the second nine weeks of school.

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