We had another fabulous week in the “Lyons’ Den!” We enjoyed the presentations of a few “early bird” book reports this week and look forward to sharing the rest next week! Don’t forget the Character Collage Book Report is due on Tuesday. We also enjoyed a preview of the GAES Book Fair. Be sure to check out the information about the book fair from Mrs. Harris at the bottom of the blog.
10/29 – 11/6 Glen Allen Book Fair (see information from Mrs. Harris below)
10/30 Character Collage Book Report Due
10/30 SCA Election Speeches
11/1 Library Lesson & Checkout
11/6 Student Holiday/Election Day
11/6 AM Parent Teacher Conferences by appointment
11/7 PM Parent Teacher Conferences by appointment
11/7 RVA Field Trip (Lyons, Johnson, & Dawe)
11/8 RVA Field Trip (Howard, Slater)
Character Trait B
ook Report Due Tuesday, October 30:
Your child should be putting the final touches on their book report (the 10-20 sentence typed summary of their book and the visual – poster). The instructions and rubric for this report went home on Monday, Sept. 24. If a student is prepared to present his/her book report prior to the due date they can do so and receive 5 bonus points added to their book report grade. The rubric must be returned with the book report. Be sure that your child is following the guidelines in preparation for this report.
Here is a link to the Character Collage Book Report directions: book report – character collage pdf 2018
“Cubs Read” (reading incentive program): Is your child interested in the “Cubs Read” program that offers incentives to students who go above and beyond the daily 2o minute reading homework requirement? If so they should begin logging their minutes on the reading log/calendar that went home on Monday, October 1. A November calendar will be sent home with interested students on Thursday. Students can achieve the weekly 5th Grade Cubs Read goal simply by reading 40 extra minutes a week.
Spelling City: Spelling City as a fun way to practice vocabulary and spelling! Look for the link to this on the right hand side of the blog. Find my word lists by searching under teachers and locating Cathy Lyons. Remember we are on the first semester multisyllabic word lists. Next week we will be on list #8.
RVA Field Trip News
We are so excited about our upcoming field trip to one of Richmond’s historical landmarks – Hollywood Cemetery! The trip will occur on November 7th (Dawe, Johnson, Lyons) and 8th (Slater, Howard).
For this field trip the students will need to pack a lunch and wear comfortable shoes as we will be outside on a walking tour for the duration of the trip. We will be learning about the cemetery’s unique history, its landscape design, architecture, symbols as well as noted residents that include two former U.S. Presidents. On the day of the trip we will leave Glen Allen at 9:30 and return at 1:15. The cost of this trip is $3.50. Payment for the field trip is due by October 25th. This is a beautiful field trip!
A note from Mrs. Harris, our school librarian, regarding the upcoming GAES Book Fair!
Dear Parents and Families:
Did you know? Reading just 20 minutes a day exposes your child to about 1.8 million words per year. Reading helps students develop a stronger vocabulary, and in addition, students who read for pleasure average higher grades in English, mathematics, science, and history!
Encourage your child to read books for fun by attending our upcoming Scholastic Book Fair. It’s a wonderful selection of engaging and affordable books for every reading level.
Mark your calendar!
Book Fair dates: October 29-November 6, 2018
Shopping hours: October 29-November 2 hours are 230pm-345pm
November 5: hours are 230pm-7pm
November 6: hours are 730am-11am
NEW digital payment option: eWallet! Now your student can shop the Fair cash-free! Visit our Book Fair homepage to learn more and to create an account: http://www.scholastic.com/bf/glenallenes
If you are unable to attend the Fair in person, we invite you to visit our Online Fair at http://www.scholastic.com/bf/glenallenes
Our Online Fair is available from October 26 to November 6, 2018.
We look forward to seeing you and your family at our Book Fair! Remember, all purchases benefit our school. Thank you for supporting our readers!
A message from Mrs. Stottlemeyer (a parent of a 5th grader in Mrs. Johnson’s class) about Cotillion Opportunities:
Moms and Dads of GAES 5th graders –
I am Kate Stottlemyer, Thomas Stottlemyer’s mom, and I am the parent representative for Junior Assembly Cotillion at GAES.
I am collecting contact information for those who MAY be interested in Cotillion for their sons or daughters next year (6th grade, October-February). This is not an obligation to sign-up for Cotillion, but rather an opportunity to receive an invitation to an informational meeting that will take place in January. You will be able to officially sign-up, if you decide it is right for your family, after the January meeting.
I need to turn in names soon so please get back to me no later than November 10th. If you are unfamiliar with Junior assembly, I have included information below, and please do not hesitate to reach out to me with questions. My oldest son is currently enrolled, and we have been extremely impressed with the organization. It is a ton fun!
To get an invitation to the meeting please email the following information to kate@tweedathome.com:
Your Child’s First and Last Name
Your Address and zip code
Mom’s full name
Dad’s full name
How you’d like the invitation addressed…Mr and Mrs…. Dr. and Mrs….
Your Home phone
Your Cell phone
Your Email address
Again, giving me your information does NOT obligate your child to attend cotillion. It DOES give you the opportunity to learn more about cotillion at one of the January information meetings (the meetings are scheduled for January 14th and 15th).
Here is some basic Cotillion information…
What is cotillion?
Junior Assembly Cotillion is a highly anticipated event for hundreds of 6th through 9th graders in the Richmond area. Registration for 6th grade cotillion starts now! In a time when technology is pervasive and inescapable, cotillion brings tweens and teens face-to-face and one-on-one with each other in an exciting, inclusive and entertaining ballroom dancing setting. It is a fun, organized, upbeat and safe social activity for middle schoolers to learn timeless dances and social graces. The goal is social self confidence and they use dancing as the tool while also incorporating etiquette. For our children it’s a fun night out with their friends and an opportunity to learn how to dance and interact with peers of the opposite gender. For the parents you will find that this is a great opportunity for our children to develop social self confidence at this crucial middle school time in their lives. My older son is currently enrolled in his first year, and we have been so impressed with the organization.
Each group meets 8 times every other Friday or Saturday night starting in late September or early October through early February. There are 2 locations and the directors do the best they can to make sure that the location is consistent to where we live. The kids usually meet in the community and carpool to cotillion and then go out for snacks, dinner, or ice cream before or afterwards depending on the time of their dance.
How much?
The 8 dances- including a dance where Mom’s are invited to go and dance with their sons and Dad’s with daughters -are $285.
What do I need to do to get involved?
Check out their website…www.juniorassemblycotillion.com
Please let me know if you have any questions- Feel free to call or text me at 804-928-5283 or email me at kate@tweedathome.com.
Thank you!
Kate Stottlemyer