October 14, 2018

Good morning! Wow, we have certainly had our share of crazy weather around here lately! I hope that everyone was spared any damage to property during Friday’s storm and that you all have your power up and running.

Due to the weather related absence on Friday our vocabulary and spelling tests will take place on Monday. October 15.

RVA Field Trip News

I have  some exciting news to share about our first field trip! The 5th grade will be touring one of Richmond’s historical landmarks – Hollywood Cemetery.  The trip will occur on November 7th (Dawe, Johnson, Lyons) and 8th (Slater, Howard). 

For this field trip the students will need to pack a lunch and wear comfortable shoes as we will be outside on a walking tour for the duration of the trip. We will be learning about the cemetery’s unique history, its landscape design, architecture, symbols as well as noted residents that include two former U.S. Presidents. On the day of the trip we will leave Glen Allen at 9:30 and return at 1:15. The cost of this trip is $3.50, and information regarding the online payment system will be sent home on Monday. This is a beautiful field trip!

If you are interested in being a chaperone, you will need to complete the Volunteer training which includes a form and a short video in the office. Only those that have completed this training can be selected as a chaperone. Please email me if you are interested. I can take 3 chaperones on this trip.

The site for ordering RVA T-shirts/sweatshirts for our RVA field trip on November 7th is up and ready! Students who choose to order the T-shirt or sweat shirt will wear them on our trip and throughout 5th grade. They are always a real hit with our 5th graders!

The deadline for ordering T-shirts is October 21. T-shirts will be delivered no later than November 1.  Below is the link for ordering.


10/15 Word Study Vocabulary and Spelling Tests (makeup of Friday’s tests)

10/15 – 10/19 GAES Physical Education Success Week (see below for information about each day’s activities from Mrs. Lucas)

10/16 help our class earn additional laps during our running competition!!! Parents are welcome to run with their child for 6 minutes during our PE from 11:50-12:20!! (See Mrs. Lucas’s information below)

10/20 Glen Allen Day

10/22 Smile, it’s Picture Day!

10/30  Character Collage Book Report Due

11/6  Student Holiday/Election Day

11/7  RVA Field Trip (Lyons, Johnson, & Dawe)


Character Trait Book Report: Please be sure that your child has selected and begun to read a  fictional book (4.5 reading level or above) for the book report that is due on October 30. The instructions and rubric for this report went home on Monday, Sept. 24. If a student is prepared to present his/her book report prior to the due date they can do so and receive 5 bonus points added to their book report grade. The rubric must be returned with the book report. Be sure that your child is following the guidelines in preparation for this report.

Here is a link to the Character Collage Book Report directions: book report – character collage pdf 2018

“Cubs Read” (reading incentive program):  Is your child interested in the “Cubs Read” program that offers incentives to students who go above and beyond the daily 2o minute reading homework requirement? If so they should begin logging their minutes on the reading log/calendar that went home on Monday, October 1. Students can achieve the weekly 5th Grade Cubs Read goal by reading 40 extra minutes a week.

Spelling City:  Spelling City as a fun way to practice vocabulary and spelling! Look for the link to this on the right hand side of the blog. Find my word lists by searching under teachers and locating Cathy Lyons. Remember we are on the first semester multisyllabic word lists. Next week we will be on list #6.

Reflections Contest:

Interested in submitting something for this year’s Reflection’s Contest?  Use the arts to share your personal Reflections on this year’s theme: HEROES AROUND ME

Submissions are due to Mrs. Harris by October 24th.  Click here for more information!

Some information about the gifted referral process from Mrs. Gonzalez:

A parent/guardian, professional educator, community member, self, or peer may refer a student. Referrals are accepted in writing by the school’s Gifted Identification Coordinator, Ellen Gonzalez, October 9-26 for grades 3, 4, 5.

Parents/Guardians must send an email or submit a request in writing to the school’s Gifted Identification Coordinator from October 9-26. Please specify the academic area for the referral- language, math, or both areas.  The school’s coordinator will send the Academic Referral Form and Parent/Guardian Questionnaire home to be completed by November 9.

For further information regarding the referral process, please visit the HCPS website for gifted services.

Physical Education Success Week 10/15 –  10/19

This year Success week is October 15th-19th.  This program is aimed at motivating students, families, and communities to participate in a physically active lifestyle.  This event is to help individuals become aware of heart-health related fitness components, to promote self-esteem by acknowledging each student’s achievement, and to establish a plan for participation in physical activities at home, school and the community.  Remember being active is a lifestyle.  This year while in Physical Education class, students will run as many laps as they can in 6 minutes.  All students will strive to do their best.  Each class will want to run as many laps as they can, because each class will be competing against other classes and grade levels to see who ran the most laps and yards.  I encourage all parents to come and run with their child (parent scores count in the total class score).  Don’t forget to get a visitor’s pass from the office before joining your child’s PE class.  You can contact your child’s teacher to find out their day and time they have PE class.  The schedule for success week is below and will consist of the following events:

Mouthful Monday-15th: Write down everything you eat. Ask yourself, “Am I eating a variety of color at each meal?”  If you aren’t, then you may want to change your eating habits.  It’s important to eat healthy for strong bones, muscles and teeth.  Wear a different color on each part of your body to remind yourself to eat a colorful meal.

Team Jersey Tuesday-16th: Wear your favorite team jersey.  Have a family plank challenge and see who can hold the plank the longest, then take a relaxing walk in the evening with your family.

Workout Wednesday-17th:  Wear your fitness clothing and sneakers.  Do 25 jumping jacks, 8 push-ups, 10 burpees, 20 mountain climbers and jog a mile with your family.

Thirsty Thursday-18th: Drink lots of water.  It does the body good!  Did you know about 70% of your body is made of water.  Check the label on your liquids.  Does it have any sugar? Reduce the amount of sugar you are drinking.  Wear light blue to remind yourself to drink lots of water.  Go on a bike ride with a friend or family member.

Flexible Friday-19th: School Spirit Day.  Wear school spirit colors and be part of a winning team.  Practice a few stretching exercises with your family.  Being flexible prevents injuries when participating in sports.  Play a game with your family and have fun.

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