Category: Columns

Column: Lessons on beating second semester slump

Come on. You don’t have to lie to me. Second semester is in full swing, but you’re slacking off.

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Column: Twitter moves drama from class to online

Many students believe Twitter has become the new Facebook, and along with its popularity comes notoriety. Across the country, school officials are noticing problems Twitter is causing in the classroom. From rumors to bullying, it has caused many fights and distractions.

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Column: ‘End’ debate goes on

by Brigitte Wendel It’s 2012: the Chinese are celebrating the year of the dragon, seniors are ready to graduate, and President Obama will soon find out whether to make new address labels.  But for a select few, 2012 means much more. They believe it could be the end of the world. For years, people have …

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Column: Labels won’t work

by Danielle Childress Imagine seeing a gruesome image of death and disease on every cigarette box in the grocery store display. That’s what the Food and Drug Administration is trying to make a reality. Since the signing of the Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act in 2009, the FDA has the “authority to regulate …

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Column: Last minute procrastination bad for health, GPA, sanity

by Ashanti Wright You do it almost every day: you get up, hit the snooze button and climb right back in bed. Ten minutes later, you take a shower, brush your teeth and get dressed. By the time you get to school, you’re desperately flipping through notes before a quiz. Of course, you could have …

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