Category: Columns

Column: Henrico County eliminates interims

During my years in the Henrico County school system, I have always heard teachers, students and parents stress over interim reports. And why exactly? I have never understood it.

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Column: Privacy not secure with social media

Something no one can completely have. Something unrealistic, unimaginable; something falsified in our rights as Americans. You may think the information you are setting as “private” isn’t seen by anyone but you, but unfortunately that just isn’t true.

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Column: FOCUS keeps students on positive path

FOCUS is the new name for a restructured AIP, and it means exactly what its letters stand for: Firm Organized Character Modification Training to Gain Unlimited Success. The program targets academic areas for tutoring and has specific goals unlike the AIP of old.

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Column: Don’t leave HBCU out

Spike Lee. Samuel Jackson. Oprah Winfrey. Martin Luther King, Jr. All were educated at historically black colleges and universities.

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Column: Technology takeover too much

Everywhere you go you see people in a race to own the latest and greatest technology. With all of these new gadgets, people of all ages are starting to lose appreciation for what they already have.

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