Category: News

County upgrades laptops

Students and staff members received Dell Latitude laptops as part of the county’s twelfth year of its one-to-one laptop initiative in high schools.

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Freshmen combine English and Math to help improve SOL test scores

Selected freshmen are working on math and English in a combo class.

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SOL Commercial: Math havoc

Find out how to keep the math SOL from wreaking havoc on your life and catch Mr. Gearhart’s acting debut in the first SOL Commercial of the 2013 SOL Season.

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Administration delivers good news to houses of worship

To reach out to the community with positive news about the school, six administrators visited local churches on Sundays in November.

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Club members find reasons to read

After a seven-hour day at school and an hour bus ride on the specialty center bus, senior Olivia Stanford arrives at her West End home a little after 5 p.m. After a brief break, she begins her homework, which could take several hours. But no matter how much homework Olivia may have, she always saves time at the end of her day to read.

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