Category: News

‘Sneakerheads’ spread school shoe craze

  by Jamie Lund, Kate McCormick, and Jadrian Williams   Standing in line for over six hours to buy a pair of shoes is not an inconvenience for a sneakerhead. Neither is shelling out more than $400 on a pair of shoes or having enough shoes to fill two walk-in closets.   Sneakerheads collect shoes as …

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Program Aims to Inspire Community

The PTSA hosted its Fourth Annual Celebration of African-American Heritage in February; this year’s theme was “There Is a King in You.”

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Roll Tape: Episode 2 2011-2012

Check out the second episode of “Roll Tape.”

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Roll Tape: Episode 1 2011-2012

Check out “Roll Tape!”

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Cadets keep AMI streak alive

They practiced their salutes, shined their shoes and took their uniforms to the cleaners before their annual Area Manager Inspection, and for 12 consecutive years, the NJROTC cadets proved they are in tip-top shape.

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