Category: Multimedia

SOL Commercial: Procrastination

Are you guilty of procrastination? Has it hurt your test scores in the past? It’s time to move on! Watch this commercial and leave a comment for a chance to win a prize.

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SOL Commercial: Put it in Your Path

Are you the kid always waiting for a computer on SOL day because you left yours at home?

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SOL Podcasts: Best Friends

Listen to the podcasts and leave a comment for a chance to win a prize.

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SOL Commercial: Best Friends

Find out what your calculator can do for you in this commercial that proves that friendship is all about the numbers.

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SOL Podcast: Tackling Tricky Test Questions

It’s all about strategy and reading your SOL opponent. Don’t fall for a fake out. This SOL commercial has the play by play for identifying the words that want to trip you up. Listen to the latest SOL podcast, and leave a comment to be entered in a drawing for a gift certificate.    

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