Lindsey H. Martin

Most commented posts

  1. SOL Commercial: Ratchet — 53 comments
  2. SOL Commercial: Balloons — 51 comments
  3. SOL Commercial: SOL Cowboy — 47 comments
  4. SOL Commercial: Math havoc — 45 comments
  5. SOL Commercial: Study Hard Anthem — 26 comments

Author's posts

SOL Commercial: Ratchet

Check out the final SOL commercial on to see why Kiana is so “ratchet.”

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SOL Commercial: Slow and Steady

Who will come in first place? The tortoise or the hare? Check out today’s SOL commercial to find out.

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Varina 411 Live: April 2012

Check out the latest episode of “Varina 411 Live” from April 2012.

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SOL Commercial: Balloons

Watch the latest commercial to see what’s stalking Katie Guthrie.

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SOL Commercial: Caveman

Watch the latest SOL commercial to see how students took SOLs back in the Stone Age. Post a comment to be entered into a drawing for a prize.

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